Oct 06, 2008 19:29
Hmm, s'been a couple of weeks since I wrote anything. To be fair, there's not an awful lot to say. School is doing its best to strip me of all motivation, even going so far as to not letting me hand in some sort of completion task after I failed the exam. How many points did I need to make it? Two. There you go.
In other news, me and the divine one watched the vice-presedential debate the other day and had a really good laugh about it. Been telling people I know to try and download it or something, it's great entertainment. Horrifyingly enough, many others thought that MILF Palin did a great job and beat Biden. Did we watch the same debate? I thought all she had was a gift for flirintg with an audience not educated enough to grasp the fact that she had barely any arguments. She tries so hard to come off as this hockey mom, mrs Joe Sixpack. Does the US really want a hockey mom with hardly any political experience as their may-be president? I'm so happy I ain't a citizen of that place.
My head kinda hurts. I should hit the books, we're finally studying the Romantic era and all its goodies, starting with a play called Don Juan Tenorio. It's Don Juan, who could resist? Sadly, like I said, I don't feel like even thinking about school at the moment. I'd like to take a walk or something, maybe a bike ride (even though my bike's been kinda crappy since it had to endure a night of hard rain).