Kate Beaton, why such an accurate depiction of my life.
... a yep, that's my life right there.
Except I get like that when writing prose, not comics. Because I'm a crappy artist.
I have crappy handwriting too, but that's why I have a computer.
Oh, so I totally fell asleep during Lucy-class today/yesterday because it's sunrise so I guess it's Thursday. Whoops. She ordered me to bed shortly thereafter but I didn't actually nap until early evening. Which actually worked out okay.
... not in the work completion way. But I have 3.5 hours until class yet. Ish. I can wrap up the class papers and then look at Ron piteously and ask if I can pretty please have until Saturday to send him my conference paper and then give him hard copy on Monday or Tuesday. And possibly stress the fact that I'm a self-destructive moron who's had at least five different people (Lucy, Meggy, Penny, Astrid, Tony) imply/outright tell me I'm being one about this not sleeping thing (and then Sally mostly just went, "I love you, but you're being ridiculous"), and there have been a few times when I only haven't started crying because Zoloft doesn't really take away my emotions as much as it makes me less demonstrative ... He might be understanding when he sees the 20+-page class paper that I literally could not cut down any further without making it completely unintelligible.
And I'm pretty good at looking piteous when I need to. I think taking my
Flatwoodsey to class might help, which works since I was going to bring him out of the Bat-Hovel today anyway.
eta 10:16 AM:
fyi, I hate the Book of Job. I'll take the character of ha-Satan, and screw the rest. also, I hate the fact that I have too many things to say about the Bible. Jeremiah paper's at ~12 pages (11.8 font, 1.9 spacing or something equally silly, margins pulled all to Hell), and kingship's at ~25. Someone just needs to take my brain away.
... I should clarify: I like the Book of Job for complicating the simplistic view that the Deuteronomic theology gives us, I like ha-Satan and Behemoth and Leviathan, and I love the massive implications that God is an eldritch abomination. I don't like that, in order to explain this, we had to have a story of, "This guy's life was ruined. He was a good guy. But his life was ruined because of this bet with Satan and when he tried to complain about having his life ruined, he was wrong because he's being really presumptuous about how he's conceiving of God as anthropomorphic."
And I mostly hate the tacked on, "But then he got gold rings and new children, so yay" ending. And more than both, I hate the endless moralizing about What The Book Means For Human Morality because no one ever concludes, "We're doing it wrong, maybe we should alter how we treat each other and conceive of God as anthropomorphic just because it's easier and Genesis says we were made in His image*," which is what the book is pretty clearly suggesting. We're too attached to the big, bearded man in the sky who cares about each of us personally.
idk, I kind of prefer eldritch abomination!God.
Also, * NB: the "made in His image" does not make God anthropomorphic. If anything, it just means that the people writing/codifying the Bible conceived of the original human beings as being like ... perfect and intangible (if you buy the medieval Rabbinic explanation that making Adam and Eve "clothes" was dragging them down into human bodies for pissing him off). ... I guess here is where I should also say that I like the Gnostic conception of things, like, having a God who forgot how to be God and a negative-God who does all the evil in the world, and trying to keep us in the Garden of Eden was just trying to keep us ignorant so we couldn't actualize our full potential. ... and the medieval Kabbalah's sefirotic tree with the different emanations of God that all work as one but operate as distinct entities, all feeding and feeding off of each other insofar as human prayers and righteousness keep replenishing their ability to do so.
I also think it would be cool if God were an Evangelion unit or Rupaul, but that's just some silliness.