1. Finished first Brittana fic with an hour and a half to spare.
It is terrible and unbeta'd and ridonkulous, but still. Moment of personal achievement.
2. Am writing a paper whose thesis has evolved into, "Centuries of Biblical scholarship are wrong." (This is a very reductionist view of things, but still. That's sort of where this is going.)
3. sdfkwkrgrgh, supposedly finding out about writing contest I entered today. I don't expect anything. I really don't. But still. Want to know.
4. Mission for after I've slept: finish what I've started for Ron, since the finishing didn't happen today. Everything is outlined thoroughly. Just needs to be in real words ... and double spaced, in the case of my paper about Jeremiah (the notes and outline of which are currently four pages longer than the paper is required to be, but mind that the notes involve a lot of block quotes from essays about Jeremiah).
5. I don't have a good mood theme icon for "spazzing like a spazzy thing," so this one will have to do.
6. Exhausted now. Sleep imminent.