It's another due date post.

Nov 02, 2010 14:56

Today, 4-6 PM: pick up grocery delivery, yay.
November 3rd: Conference with Lucy; have some exercises written for it.
November 5th: rounds_of_kink fic: Lucifer/Castiel, biting. Turn in Ron paper.
November 6th: rounds_of_kink fic: Dean/Cas/Lucifer, threesome.
November 9th: conferences with Philip and Ron; have paper outlines ready.
November 13th: rounds_of_kink fic: Bobby/Crowley, first times.
November 16th: rounds_of_kink fic: Dean/Adam, incest.
November 17th: Full draft of Justine's story due for Lucy's class.
November 19th: New Scientist flash fiction story due.
November 20th: spn_reversebang posting. Finish fic and get in contact with artist beforehand.
November 30th: NaNoWriMo ends. 50,000 words.

December 14th/15th: have conference work done - portfolio for Lucy; Protestantism, Catholicism, and magic for Philip; and the evolving nature of the relationship between God and the female mystics for Ron.
December 16th: start making calls at convents for second semester's conference work.
December 17th: last day of term; gabriel_bigbang check in.
December 31st: apocabigbang halfway check-point.

January 14th, 2011: gabriel_bigbang second check in/summaries due.
January 18th & 19th, 2011: find a class to replace Philip's. Anthropology? Maybe. Feel like that would be good for me.

Possibilities: Language and Race, Aurora Donzelli (T, 7-8:30; Th, 2-3:30; I'm neutral about most of the anthro classes that aren't Bob Desjarlais's, but... I still think it'd be a good idea.)

The Evolution of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Mark Shulman (MW 5:30-7, group conferences - I honestly don't give a damn based on the course description, but it fits my schedule and it's decent enough.)

The Cold War in History and Film, Jefferson Adams (W 7-11 PM, film screening; Th 3:30-5:30)

Reason and Revolution, Satire and the City: Literature and Social Change in the Age of Swift, James Horowitz (MW 3:30-5, group conferences. It has my attention, a little bit... but despite the rave reviews my friends give him, I don't know how much I'm interested in Jude Law Professor's lecture. I'm done with lecture credits, and I'm just... not that impressed with James. And I'm picky about who I do lectures with anyway.)

Technological Imaginaries: Aesthetics and Politics of “Science Fiction”, Una Chung (T, 7 PM-11 PM: okay okay. My thoughts on this? I fucking love the chance to take a sci-fi class. It fits my schedule, even if the timing is stupid. I want it... but I've also heard mixed things about Una from her donnees. NTS: talk to Bill, Judy, Zac, Julia, and Jocelyn about her.)

About Something, Someone Other Than Us, Thomas Ellis (Th, 1:30-3:30: ...well, I haven't written poetry in too damn long. ...okay, well, the last time was 7th September.)

Nonfiction Workshop: Writing About The Arts, Rachel Cohen (M, 3:30-5:30: ...maybe.)

The Source of Stories: Writing from Your Own Experiences, Mary Morris (W, 3:30-5:30: I've seriously never had a nonfiction writing class, so... might be good for me?)

and of course the anthro classes I really want, with the professor I REALLY WANT to study with are either during my fiction workshop (Desjarlais's lecture) or five minutes after my Bible class, on the other side of campus (Desjarlais's seminar). And the lecture is advanced, which makes me fucking facedesk because it's like... I have experience in OTHER social sciences. JUST NOT ANTHROPOLOGY, and I'd be all over taking the class, were it not for the schedule clashes and the fact that it's an advanced level course.

January 31st, 2011: gabriel_bigbang rough draft due.

February 4th, 2011: apocabigbang rough draft due.
February 11th, 2011: Shakespeare porn due.
February 18th, 2011: BIRTHDAY.

March 5th, 2011: apocabigbang final draft due.
May 6th, 2011: conference work due because I'm a senior, cries.
May 13th, 2011: school is over, cries.
May 20th, 2011: graduation, CRIES.

SO. while figuring out my due dates coming up, I have figured out what I want to do with my post-grad time. Take a year off between now and grad school. Move back to my parents' because I have nowhere else to go live, do some babysitting of the cousins/godkids and periodically, go down to Grandma's to keep her place clean because my uncle is a fucking douchestick and she's an invalid and HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING TO HELP HER, tutor kids at the high school/community colleges/U-Mich/Oakland University/etc., do community service at Affirmations (the metro-Detroit area LGBTQ community center that my mom's friend Noel has a position of influence in), write and send out manuscripts, etc. And then apply to grad school at U-Mich and Northwestern and other places when I'm not going completely insane from other work.

My mom, however, is hounding me about an internship and research seminar at Georgetown... and I don't want to do it. They'd look really good on a resume or a grad school application... but they wouldn't make me happy. And they're not really what I want to go into - I don't care so much about "Religion and Politics." I don't care about making policy; I care about dealing with the people on the ground.

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