I made you a journal...Hello Kitty and all. hahaha
I added my name to your friends list too so if you just click the "friends" link to your right you'll see my journal.
The links under "Your Settings" on the first page you see when you sign in to your left lets you change things about your journal so if you want to change how it looks click "Modify Journal" (2nd option from the bottom of that section) or your personal info then click "Personal Info" same with the pictures click "Your pictures". Most importantly, when you want to write an entry in your journal you click "Update Journal" which is the first option to you left under the title "Your Journal" you can click
here and that will take you right to the page where you can write a new journal entry. Everything you need is at your left on the first page you come to after signing in, just click on everything to get the feel of things, don't worry about screwing something up non of those links can do any damage and you can always go back.
Anyways I'm going to write you an email now explaining it all..
buh bye
your sister