Nov 23, 2006 04:44
Rant; read at your own boredom...
I'm glad you asked...that's right folks, its time for yet another rant from your friendly neighborhood Something Man.
Michael Richards, a.k.a. Kramer went on a racial tangent as I'm sure you all know, and then half heartedly tried to retract it on Letterman. I don't know this because I pay attention to celebrity "news", I know this because I can not escape celebrity "news". Its like the plague, like AIDS, like ex girlfriends, you just can't get away from it no matter how hard you try. that's not even what has me so another celebrity went on a rant about some race he hates, or dislikes, or pissed him off. Big fucking one cares, it happens every fucking day. What pisses me off is the so called "victims" of this whole ordeal. They are now suing Mr. Richards for "damages" done to them on the night of the incident.
I swear, I could fucking kick them in the throat. I am by no means a racist...nor am I a uh...whatever the opposite of racist is, but for the love of God this is why I hate most people. I hate whites, I hate Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, British, the French, I hate pretty much every race, creed and heritage there is. not the whole of the people, but the select parasites that plague this world like the people suing Kramer. "Well, we feel he should have to pay for what he did..." what exactly did he do? Hurt your feelings? I'm sure they'll try and say that he's promoting hate and violence towards African Americans and what have you, but in all honesty they are just trying to suck as much money out of a celebrity as humanly possible. And who will help them? Scum of the Earth lawyers and of course, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, two more people I wish would just hurry up and die. Its people like them that add fuel to the fire that is "racial tension" which in my opinion is something so called minorities have made up so we all feel bad for them and don't blame them when they fuck up.
"Oh its not my fault that I raped and stabbed that woman, I'm a product of my environment."
"I didn't mean to rob that liquor store, I did it because my great great great great granpappy whom I've never met was a slave over 400 years ago."
"I didn't mean to blow up that building, I did it because certain factions of an extremist group of hate mongers told me I should or I couldn't get 72 fat hairy smelly virgins."
"I didn't mean to call him a nigger, I did it because I'm afraid of them and have no other way to hurt them then to use words that I know piss them off."
Don't sit there and shake your heads at know you've all thought it before. the difference is that no one says it. So, I say, fuck the niggers, fuck the crackers, fuck the spics, fuck the gooks, chinks, whops, krauts, kikes, frogs, limeys, micks, turban heads, sand niggers, dot heads, and any other race I can insult. Why? Because you all need to grow thicker skins and stop being such whiney little bitches. "He called me a bad name mommy, lets take him to court and drain his assets" Boo fucking hoo. Grow up, get a set of balls, use your big boy voices, and stop acting like a little bitch with a skinned knee. Anyone who cries and moans over someone calling them names needs to be forcibly removed from the gene pool.
What else? Ah, yes, relationships. One of my favorite topics. I hate people who are in a relationship. And not to discriminate, I hate people who are happy, and miserable. If you're happy in your relationship, good for you, but I don't need to hear about it, read about it, or see it. congrats, you've found someone that you can share you codependency with, doesn't change the fact that you are a weak minded lemming who can only define themselves by who is fucking you this month. And if you're in a bad relationship, and you're unhappy, guess what. Its your own fucking fault. You're the jerk-ass that decides to stay with your insignificant other despite how much they suck the very fucking life out of you. I can only feel so bad for you before I have to start rolling my eyes and holding my tongue. Why? Because all I can think is "BREAK UP WITH THEM YOU FUCKING ASSHAT!" you willingly stay in a relationship that you know will bring you nothing but misery and grief no matter how hard you pretend that everything is can lie to yourself, and you can lie to everyone around you, but in doing so you forfeit the right to bitch and moan. And before my friends start e-mailing me, and IM'ing me or calling me saying what a heartless asshole I am, I want you to realize that I will in fact continue to listen and offer whatever help I can, because I'm a good friend, and I'm not directing this at everyone. I know some of you legitimately have no idea what to do about your bad relationship, and for you I empathize, I truly do. Its the people that do nothing but wallow in their own misery that piss me off. You're so obviously miserable and morbidly depressed, yet you do nothing but prolong the inevitable. I guess my question is...why? I mean, you somehow managed to attract someone in the first place, so what makes you think that you can't do it again? I know what its like to be scared of finding no one, yet, you always do. I did, you will too.
Another thing, to all you attractive people out there...stop saying you're not makes me wanna kick you in the throat. I understand being insecure...but if you know you're hot, stop fishing for compliments. Also, to those of you going through a breakup, and taking it as though its the end of the world, I offer you this little tidbit of advice from my own checkered past.
Its for the best. Suck it up, and move on with your life. The world doesn't revolve around someone who obviously didn't care enough about you to try and make things work, so why are you driving yourself insane over them? I know I'm not one to talk, I've been in that situation, and am still in said situation to this day. But I have learned enough not to let it run my entire life. so they're gone, big fucking deal, they more than likely only made you miserable anyway. and if they were good in bed, fear not, there is someone who is probably better. Unless you're my ex, cuz I'm the best fuck you'll ever get. (shameless self promotion) So, get over the loss, and move on with life, there is someone out there for you or whatever, so stop pissing and bitching over some douche bag that was only holding you back from achieving true happiness.
On a side note, everything in my life is just dandy I suppose. As I've stated Combichrist was awesome, as was Roach's party. I was asked to be a boyfriend twice this week, and had to decline both offers. I've come to realize that I'm in no place to try to make someone happy. I can barely keep myself in a constant state of bliss, let alone someone else. Granted, both these ladies are charming, gorgeous and fucking awesome as hell, I just know that given my current state of mind and being, I wouldn't be able to make them happy emotionally for very long. Sure, we'd get along great for a few weeks or months, but then it'd dwindle and we'd end up hating each other. I'm just not ready to be with someone while I still feel the way I feel for people whom I shouldn't feel for. And I just don't want to hurt anyone, it wouldn't be fair to them. Then again, part of me says that I should try to be with someone, otherwise, I'll end up alone and scared of being hurt for a long time. So, perhaps I will accept one of the offers before the year is out. I'm by no means alone, but I do miss sleeping next to someone as opposed to fucking them and then returning to our respective homes until the next time my "input" is needed. Well, time will tell on that one I suppose.
Ok well, I think that wraps up the rant for today...I hope you've all laughed, cried, and been disgusted or whatever...
Until then...