Jun 27, 2003 13:41
posted by ana;
I stole this from
nikki <3.
// series one - as usual
-- name: Ana
-- birthdate: January 8th
-- birthplace: New Hamshire, Massachusetts.
-- current location: New Jersey
-- eye color: grey/green/blue/brown.. really, they're blueish grey with a brownish yellowish rin around my pupil.. interesting, I know.. I was told that the brown lining my pupil is because of my latin blood ;D
-- hair color: light brownish orangeish :D
-- height: 5'2
-- shoe size: 8.5 :O :O :O
-- marital status: single, not liking it..
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: capricorn
-- innie or outtie: innie *grin*
// series two - describe
-- your heritage: latin, brittish. :D
-- the shoes you wore today: none so far *stares at her bare feet* ;D
-- your hair: o__O didn't I already tell you this? moron. =3
-- your weakness: I'm kinda shy when meeting new people.. ah, and I think I'm a little too patient..
-- your fears: pain. I'm not araid of dying, but pain is what I fear.. and, like nikki, the fear that no one will ever really love me.. that I won't find my true love..
-- your perfect pizza: mushroom =9
-- one thing you'd like to achieve: I want to make a difference in the world.. I want the woorld to know my name.. I don't want to die without making a difference. *sigh*
// series three - what is...
-- your most overused phrase on aol\aim: no kidding; lmao; meep; hahah; aah;
-- your thoughts first waking up: haha, I have no clue why, but when I woke up, I thought about margaux o__O
-- the first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: if they're tan or white. I have no clue why, but I really don't like extremely white people.. no, I'm not racist or anything.
-- your best physical features: curves *blush* or my face..
-- your bedtime: 11:00 PM most of the time..
-- your greatest accomplishment: eh, nothing so far.. I guess my grades? or learning how to webdesign on my own? haha I dunno..
-- your most missed memory: colombia.. god, I miss colombia so much. ,__,
// series four - you prefer
-- pepsi or coke: pepsi, I guess.. it dosen't really matter-- I never drink soda..
-- mcdonald's or burger king: well, I really strongly dislike fast food, but I guess if I have to choose, burger king.
-- single or group dates: group.
-- adidas or nike: nike
-- lipton iced tea or nestea: nestea; never had liption.. but amazon or w.e iced tea is the best :3
-- chocolate or vanilla: vanilla all the wayyy
-- cappucino or coffee: cappucino =9
-- boxers or briefs: briefs.. o__O
// series five - do you
-- smoke: ew.. o__O
-- cuss: cuss? ehheh.. when I'm mad.. yea, mostly when I'm mad a curse a little.
-- sing well: I suppose..
-- take a shower everyday: mmhmm
-- do you think you've been in love: pfft.
-- want to go to college: no kidding. *shudders*
-- like high school: tis gonna be so much fuuuun :D :D :D
-- want to get married: mmmhmm
-- type with your fingers on the right keys: naw.. I have my own way of typing. when I type the "right way" it takes waay to long ;D
-- believe in yourself: most of the time :D
-- get motion sickness: some times.. mostly, no.
-- think you're a health freak: eh, well.. I don't drink soda or eat excessive junk food, or eat pizza more than 5 times a year.. does that mean I'ma health freak?
-- like thunderstorms: yes.. I love the smell of ozone, and I love the rain. *remembers when mark hugged her in the rain*
-- play an instrument: hahah, I used to play the recorder in 3rd grade.. ;D
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- drank alcohol: *choke* never have, never will..
-- smoke(d): ew.
-- done a drug: other than sugar? no, NEVER.
-- have sex: not till I'm married ;D
-- go on a date: yeah, a group date..
-- go to the mall?: *choke* it's kinda riddiculus thinking of me not going to the mall..
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: I don't particularly like oreos.
-- eaten sushi: eh, I don't think sushi is too appetizing, personally..
-- been on stage: yipyup!
-- been dumped: naw..
-- gone skating: nope
-- made homemade cookies: naw.. I made brownies, though! :D
-- gone skinny dipping: o__O ew..
-- dyed your hair: nope :D
-- stolen anything: never.
// series seven - have you ever
-- played a game that required removal of clothing?: do you seriously think I'd stoop that low..?
-- if so, was it mixed company: what kind of slut do you think I am?
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- been caught "doing something": no
-- been called a tease: by my brother, yes ;D
-- gotten beaten up: no
-- beaten someone up: no
-- shoplifted: no
-- changed who you were to fit in: no..?
// series eight - the future
-- age you hope to be married: 20-30
-- itinerary?: I don't think so??
-- numbers and names of children: 2-3 children: natalia, andres, juanita. :D :D :D
-- describe your dream wedding: in the nature.. :D :D :D
-- where you want to go to college: princeton; harvard; amherst.. not like I'd ever get into that kinda colleges..
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: lawyer; philosopher; writer; teacher.. can't choose. I have a lot of time to pick anyways..
-- what country would you most like to visit: italy or japan. :D :D :D
// series nine - currents
= current clothes: pajmas.
= current mood: ah, I've been having a lot of moodswings.. as of this minute? I suppose you could say.. hyper? haha, I dunno.
= current taste: pickles :O
= current hair: it smells like l'oreal kids blueberry blast shampoo =3 silkyness..
= current annoyance: SDFLKSJDAFA;SDLFKJ KIM.
= current smell: I TOLJA. blueberry blast l'oreal shampoo :O :O :O
= current thing you ought to be doing: getting ready to go over jen's house to swim..
= current desktop picture: MANATEE LOVE from http://meomi.com
= current favorite groups: NFG; Blink 182; Simple Plan; SUM41;
= current book: prolly.. the thiRD hARRY POttER book..
= current dvd in player: don't have a DVD player. I have a PS2.. I have Kingdon Hearts in there :D
= current refreshment: lemonade *slurps*
= current worry: what if I can't go toCcolombia over that summer?
= current crush: MARK foreva baby! <333333
= current favorite celebrity: ah.. I'd have to day.. brad pitt? haha I dunno.. I don't really care..