Jun 13, 2011 08:47
Took me long enough, right?
I liked it. I liked it a lot.
It wasn't anything new, spectacular and all avaunt guard. I was surprised to see that it was a film that was... very close to Disney roots. Music and everything! (wanting soundtrack please)
My wife had reservations about it at first. Yet another missed opportunity to work on the film, and it's transformation into the CG realm soured first impressions... but I know I was pleasantly surprised.
Actually, the animation was so... awesome, subtle, every shot so composed that I forgot what medium it was in.
And you know what?
That's how animation is supposed to be.
To be frank, fuck what medium it's in. It's about bringing characters and stories to life and enveloping the audience in a world of your own design for an hour and a half (or however long the film is), and leaving them with that seed of inspiration that will grow and flower into something wonderful through their lives.
At least that's how it is for me.
I had some prose after this, but... people are up and talking at me and I can't exactly think so it's gone.
Anyway. I'm sure I'll update with art again.