Oh, this story had me changing my mind how things would work out mid-sentence; when Pepper was in the car and her call to Tony cuts out and the last thing she hear is Obadiah's voice, I was all smug about "Heh, she's going to kick his - no, wait, she's not, she's going to let him do this."
And that is damn fine writing, because it wasn't just a twist that came out of nowhere, it was set up from the start and developed all along so that the reader goes "Of course, yes, how else can it go?"
I think Obadiah is right to be nervous.
And am I crazy, or did I pick up an element of Obadiah's contempt for Tony in how he mentions that his mother was a victor of the Games? Like he thinks Tony is just a pale shadow of Howard, and that him falling in love with Pepper is him trying to copy Dear Old Dad; Howard married a Hunger Games victor so naturally Tony is going to try to do the same, and the fact that Pepper hasn't said yes (yet? ever?) is just one more way he doesn't measure up to his Old Man (in Obadiah's eyes, because otherwise he'd realise what Pepper did, that Tony is the goose that lays the golden eggs as far as weapons design and development for Stark Industries is concerned, and killing him off - even if it is convenient in the short-term - is a bad long-term strategy)?
He doooooooooooooooooes, because he is Obadiah. What doesn't he have secret contempt for? Certainly not anything in connection with Tony, who is just a parasite, living of other people's work. Maybe, a little for Pepper, hanging onto things. Maybe a little for Howard, who worked hard at least in the beginning and appreciated Obadiah.
(In my head, he didn't like Victor!Maria because she didn't have any time for his shit. Or any of the shit that he feels like people ought to care about, because what does any of it mean when you're the last one standing out of 24 and you're fifteen?)
Anyways. I'm going to stop rambling. I'm just so, so, so so glad you liked this -- the twisty-but-not-really thing was just what I was hoping to get, and the number of times I (#*$&)(@* wrote and rewrote to get it there, omfg.
And that is damn fine writing, because it wasn't just a twist that came out of nowhere, it was set up from the start and developed all along so that the reader goes "Of course, yes, how else can it go?"
I think Obadiah is right to be nervous.
And am I crazy, or did I pick up an element of Obadiah's contempt for Tony in how he mentions that his mother was a victor of the Games? Like he thinks Tony is just a pale shadow of Howard, and that him falling in love with Pepper is him trying to copy Dear Old Dad; Howard married a Hunger Games victor so naturally Tony is going to try to do the same, and the fact that Pepper hasn't said yes (yet? ever?) is just one more way he doesn't measure up to his Old Man (in Obadiah's eyes, because otherwise he'd realise what Pepper did, that Tony is the goose that lays the golden eggs as far as weapons design and development for Stark Industries is concerned, and killing him off - even if it is convenient in the short-term - is a bad long-term strategy)?
(In my head, he didn't like Victor!Maria because she didn't have any time for his shit. Or any of the shit that he feels like people ought to care about, because what does any of it mean when you're the last one standing out of 24 and you're fifteen?)
Anyways. I'm going to stop rambling. I'm just so, so, so so glad you liked this -- the twisty-but-not-really thing was just what I was hoping to get, and the number of times I (#*$&)(@* wrote and rewrote to get it there, omfg.
Thanks again. :D This made my day.
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