another question!

Aug 11, 2010 13:46

Thanks to everyone who has been thoughtfully responding to my last post. I'm
still forming questions that I'm interested in exploring, and here's one
that I wish I'd included:

Instead of what female character(s) in fandom *you* personally have hated,
disliked, or been indifferent to, what female characters have your active
fandom(s) hated or strongly disliked, and what are the reasons given?

I'm looking for generalizations here, for trends: there's almost always a
character that a fandom on the whole (or maybe a very vocal subgroup) seems
to loathe, or just strongly dislike.

I'm interested in the reasoning behind this dislike. Everything from the
role that character plays in the canon (what she does) to casting decisions,
or other external reasons.

I'm interested in whether there are commonalities between the "hated" women
characters of different fandoms.

fandom, female characters

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