various and sundry

Feb 02, 2010 13:56

1. So, the antibiotics helped for like a week, but starting Sunday my sinus infection was back full force. It felt like my face was going to explode yesterday. Hoping to get into the doctor's again tomorrow. Kind of sick of being sick. I no longer remember what it feels like to not have a low grade fever. /whine.

2. We have reached the season one finale of Twin Peaks over at wherepiesdie. If you haven't joined us yet, leap right in, the water's fine. Season one is only 8 episodes, very easy to catch up. We're taking a short hiatus to let everyone who wants to catch up, and we'll be discussing the season 2 premiere on Monday.

3. I have been mainlining SPN fic. I should put together a rec post, but I assume that anyone interested has probably already read everything, since I am a late to the game kind of girl. SO far I have no impulse to fic myself. Between the show and the oodles of fic out there, everything I'd have to say seems covered. I'll probably keep meta-ing though, because I can't seem to help myself.

You know what I'd love? A picspam comparing Dean's body language pre- and post- hell. Yeah. Or broader, a comparison of both the boys' body language over the course of the series, because Sam's has changed a lot too.

So is there any Dean/Lucifer-in-Sam fic out there? I am not a Dean/Sam person, I just can't do it. But somehow Dean/Lucifer!Sam is disturbing enough to make me curious. Especially since, as pointed out by dafnap and gabby_silang, Dean's relatives seem to get a bit handsy with him when possessed (see Dean with YED!John and YED!Samuel. Or maybe it's just that YED gets handsy with Dean).

How about Dean/Meg!Sam?

Okay, wow. I have a problem.

4. oh. my. god. thanks to gabby_silang for linking me to this, which made me cackle madly. There are apparently an infinite number of uses for the hitler clip. spoilers for spn season 5, sorta. mild spoilers.

twin peaks, spn, whine

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