watching Strange Days for like the 399th time, having thoughts about the scene where
Lenny experiences the clip of Iris's murder. Unformed thoughts. About how women experience movies through the male gaze, that kind of doubled vision. About how Lenny is indicted through watching/experiencing Iris's murder, and so the viewer of the film is too, the viewer is made complicit. And about how Iris experiences her murderer's experience of her rape and death -- doubled vision, the way women experience violence against women in films. Lenny's mix of getting turned on by the "b&e action" and being repelled/horrified by Iris's murder is really elegant as a depiction of how violence against women works in films, even though it's still problematic in that it's nearly impossible to portray movie violence without eroticizing it. Interesting attempt, though.
It holds up surprisingly well for a film about Y2K. It's pretty, and has really amazing acting, complete with some fun play with gender roles, and Angela Bassett is both a mother and kicks ass, and Lenny's relentless need to rescue Faith is portrayed as a fool's errand (even though, yeah, he does end up needing to save her by the end). Nope, remembered wrong.
It exists in this weird dark alternate-nineties, the same place Bowie's Outside album and The Crow live.
Wish I knew more about feminist film theory. This movie would be fun to play with.