The Hathor Legacy. I spent large chunk of my non-room-cleaning time yesterday reading through posts at random.
Another gorgeous day. I actually spent some time outside this afternoon, walking to the public library, which actually had the book I was looking for. Gasp. I haven't been terribly impressed with my local branch so far, but I can't complain
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Point being, emotional validity will trump plot complexity every time, and Iron Man had that in freaking spades.
Yes, this exactly. And yeah, I enjoyed the spectacle of TDK, but I never really felt involved with any of the characters. At all. A little bit with Harvey, but I felt they tried to do too much, so Harvey's arc was rushed at the end and any emotional resonance lost with his death.
GOd knows they gave us no emotional journey for Bruce.
I think it's why origin stories are so compelling when done right -- the characters are taken on a radical journey of growth, and there are real stakes involved. And the reason why I loved IM is that anyone with half a brain saw that Tony Stark's journey was very much not completed by the end of the film -- it had just started. Whereas with Bruce, I... it didn't feel like he made any kind of journey at all in TDK. It was for all intents and purposes really Harvey Dent's origin story, or should have been, if they hadn't killed him off. What a waste of a great character.
but I'm not bitter. I am, however, rambling.
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