Apr 04, 2009 15:20
so what am I doing? Cleaning up my pigsty of a room. Which I could have done last weekend when it was crappy outside. Something about sunlight making everything look dusty -- this is why spring cleaning happens, right?
Anyway. I found a file of rejection letters from The Great MFA Application Clusterfuck of 2005, and for some reason I still haven't thrown them away. God, someday I need to go through all the paper I accumulate and figure out what I need to keep for real. That day is not today. Today is laundry and being able to see the floor again.
It's been this way since I was little. I am Just Not Neat. Sigh. But at least I now have no excuse for not meditating -- the old I can't meditate because I have nowhere to sit isn't gonna cut it anymore. Granted, even when spotless my room is so small I only have about three feet by four feet of free floor space, so it doesn't take much to become so cluttered that I can't pull out the meditation cushion. As far as excuses go, this is a lame one, I realize.
To think that two years ago I was easily doing an hour on weekend mornings. I bet I couldn't pull off fifteen minutes at this point. Back to square one.
I might need to take a break and make me more oven-roasted mushrooms. Sadly, I don't have any bread to eat with them, but I suppose that could be rectified as well.
the room of doom