the deleted scenes from my essay of doom

Mar 24, 2009 16:58

stray thoughts that didn't end up fitting:

--common assumption: Pepper escorts all of Tony's one night stands out of the house in the morning. Is one instance in the film enough to assume a pattern?

--Of course Pepper was going to make sure she escorted a Vanity Fair reporter off the property, politely and firmly. Damage control?

--Christine was more interested in snooping around Tony's house than in actually finding him, and didn't appear particularly heartbroken at his absence. [look at the way she immediately jumps from calling his name to poking through his stuff]

--common assumption: that it was Pepper who went into Tony's bedroom while Christine slept, and collected Christine's clothes for dry cleaning. If it was Pepper, or an unseen housekeeper, why wouldn't they have also picked up Tony's shirt, which Christine wears out of the room?

--common assumption: that Pepper despises or otherwise judges the women Tony brings home. Frequent in fic.

--common assumption: that Christine is the exception -- in other words, that Tony normally brings home air heads or party bunnies or "sluts." Frequent in fic. To the contrary, he seems most attracted to women who challenge him (Christine and Pepper).

--common assumption: that the women Tony brings home aren't looking for exactly what he was: strings free sex. That they expect hearts and flowers and cry when he doesn't call them again. Frequent in fic.

iron man, meta

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