chocolate from Iceland and other things

Jun 30, 2007 16:14

First, thanks for all the comments on the humor fic. I was nervous that it wouldn't be funny to anybody but me. I usually write teh angst. That's where my brain lives much of the time. It was kinda fun to try something new.

I haven't had time to respond to said comments, but I will!

Second, another Saturday of Errands. Went to a meeting in Dupont Circle and then got my hairs cut short (all of them) and bought some short pants more suited to this tropical clime. Ate sushi and drank limonata at the park for lunch. Perfect picnic. Found out that  jadefire88 couldn't go to the Folklife Festival until tomorrow, so I walked to the grocery store with the intention of buying an avocado for my new favorite salad.

New Favorite Salad (which I had at Politics and Prose and elaborated upon)

Spinach, tossed with dressing (I like olive oil+lemon juice+garlic clove+paprika+honey)
1/2 avocado, sliced
sliced red grapefruit
slivered almonds


Needless to say I ended up with more than an avocado, because I can't enter a grocery store and just buy one thing. I did manage to limit myself to a weight of groceries I could easily carry home, which I have failed to do in the past. See, I learn! Anyway.

One of the random other things I got was a bar of chocolate from Iceland, because I saw it and thought "Huh." You'd think chocolate from Iceland would be more expensive than other chocolate, because, you know, that's a long way for a)the cocoa beans to travel to Iceland and b)the finished chocolate to travel here from Iceland. It tastes pretty much like any other half-way decent chocolate, in the end, and was actually cheaper than most bars at the Whole Foods.Which isn't known for its cheap anything, although I usually break down and go there when I crave halfway decent produce, because all the normal grocery stores in the DC Metropolitan Area like to toss their produce around in cement trucks before putting it out for sale. But I digress.

After that I decided to walk to the U Street metro, because it would mean not having to walk all the way back to Dupont and then having to transfer trains. But the Sun, it was Hot, so I stopped for something to drink at a coffee shop which reminded me of college. I haven't been to a non-trendy, non-chain, good ole battered-couch coffee shop in years. They are few and far between in the Gentrified Wonderland that is much of DC, and the Suburban Wasteland that is southern Maryland, where I reside. Anyway. lost an hour there reading and soaking up the shabby ambiance before heading back out on my trek home.

Tonight I think I'm taking the younger bro to see Ocean's Thirteen, because he hasn't seen it yet, and you can never get too much of the Brad Pitt/George Clooney action.

wow, that was rambling.

hot hot hot, feedback, food explosion

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