Fic: And in the afterwards... (Miami Vice)

May 05, 2007 19:25

This is something I've been noodling with for awhile. Thought it might go further, but I kind of like the stopping point I have now.

And in the afterwards...
Post-Redemption in Blood

“What's it gonna be, lieutenant?” Sonny said with more bravado than he felt. Castillo looked up at him with that way he had that told you he wasn't in the mood for ( Read more... )

afterwards, fic:miami_vice

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Wonderful deiseach May 6 2007, 16:49:19 UTC
Just to say how much I'm enjoying these, and that I third the suggestion that there has to be more. Because yes, Rico has something to say about all this, and he never got to say it. If your partner and best friend just tried to seriously kill you, I think you would be a bit twitchy around him for a while - to say the least - and human nature being what it is, knowing that 'he couldn't help it, he was hit on the head and didn't know who he was or who you were or anything' isn't going to be enough.

I also love the way you write Castillo.


Re: Wonderful amonitrate May 7 2007, 01:37:42 UTC
thank you! I imagine there will be more.

I also love the way you write Castillo.

thanks again. heh, he only had two sentances. But then, that's typical of Castillo.


The guy's got presence deiseach May 7 2007, 20:12:31 UTC
If you do the two sentences right, that's all he needs ( ... )


Re: The guy's got presence amonitrate May 8 2007, 01:44:40 UTC
uh... word.

Sorry! THis is a great, thinky post, and I have no brain tonight. I'll come back to it tomorrow, 'kay?

As for the last line, yes, totally!


Sorry for the brain-blasting deiseach May 8 2007, 16:20:46 UTC
Once I get started, I tend to have trouble applying the brakes.

Hope you do continue, though: I want to see Rico blasting Sonny with all the stuff the writers never bothered their pretty little heads with ("So my partner goes nuts and tries to kill me, but I'm perfectly okay with that and with working alongside him once again and never, ever, even once, so much as have a twitch of the eyelid when I see him with a gun in his hand in my vicinity. Nope, no problems here.")


Re: Sorry for the brain-blasting amonitrate May 11 2007, 13:53:48 UTC
oddmonster calls this the "Memory Bucket." It's apt. Everything important in the fifth season got tossed in the bucket.


Re: The guy's got presence amonitrate May 11 2007, 14:00:37 UTC
I've read stories where, trying to flesh out Castillo, they have him positively gushing - which is just so wrong.

uh, yeah. Somehow it makes my skin crawl. Castillo. IS NOT. Gushy.

He's got a very rich, complex inner life, which he feels no need to go spilling out all over the place, and I really respect that in a character.

Me too. I think that's what is most fascinating about Castillo - I don't want him to spill his guts. I don't want to know everything about him. I like it better when he's a mystery. It's an amazing performance by Edward James Olmos, to carry off a character with such presence while barely speaking.

His relationship with Sonny is very interesting, as well; Crockett gets to call him "Marty" which I still can't believe he gets away with. Of course, generally Crockett only calls him that when he's trying to wheedle something out of Castillo,

Yeah! IT's a running joke between my roommie and I - whenever Crockett calls him "Marty" you know he wants something. Heh.

I've kind of changed my mind on that, though; ( ... )


We've seen it with Crockett as Burnett deiseach May 11 2007, 19:31:53 UTC
"Maybe it's because Castillo and Crockett, if they ever let go, could be damn scary dudes ( ... )


Re: We've seen it with Crockett as Burnett amonitrate May 14 2007, 00:39:22 UTC
Sonny proved he could coolly scheme and plot and murder his way to the top without turning a hair

completely. Which is why I find him fascinating.

he seems to have planned how to cover up exactly what he did, since there seems to have been no repercussions at all about Hackman succumbing to a dose of lead poisoning

Good point! I hadn't really thought about it like that. I was sort of under the impression he shot the dude and then left him there; but there weren't any witnesses and didn't seem like local law was all that... diligent.

Can you imagine what Castillo would be like, if he deliberately and coolly set aside the personal code he abides by, and did whatever the heck he wanted to achieve personal aims? Eep! Scary!!

You said it. Scary as all hell. We didn't see Castillo in the field much on the show, but what we saw was pretty... amazing. Castillo wedged against the ceiling in Bushido, taking out a hit squad single-handed with a sword; Castillo defeating a Thai assassin, barehanded... yeah. Scary Ass Dude.


The perfect crime? deiseach May 14 2007, 09:09:10 UTC
"I was sort of under the impression he shot the dude and then left him there; but there weren't any witnesses and didn't seem like local law was all that... diligent ( ... )


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