Miami Vice Fic

Apr 22, 2007 20:01

Miami Vice Fic

Mercy Street
A series of glimpses into the life of Caroline Crockett and her relationship with Sonny over the years.

Night Watch
pre-series. Caroline and Sonny and the aftermath of Vietnam.

Until Darkness Comes
post-Deliver Us From Evil, season 4. Caroline gets a call in the night.

Hold the Line
Takes place during Mirror Image. Caroline gets an unexpected visitor.

Darkness Take My Sight
post-Mirror Image. Everything Tubbs had tried to tell her was true.

Staring at the Sun (WIP) - last updated 4-8-07
It's the first year of Sonny and Rico's partnership, and a routine undercover meet goes bad.
Warnings for violence, occasionally more brutal than the typical episode.

Part one: Heat
Part two: Chill
Part three: Waiting
Part four: Stripped
Part five: Pros
Part six: Hit
Part seven: Crash
Part eight: Trace
Part nine: Connections
Part ten: Drift
Part eleven: Pinned
Part twelve: Company
Part thirteen: Twist
Part fourteen: Contact
Part fifteen: Pawn
Part sixteen: Pinch
Part seventeen: Dirt


Post-Milk Run fic. Rico picks up the pieces.
Part one Part two

And in the afterwards...
Post-Redemption in Blood fic. There are tests and then there are tests.

drabble. C&T run into a nasty surprise.

vice, index, fic

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