Jan 29, 2007 19:47
Is it me, or did they forget that Starbuck's hands had been deep fried in the last episode?? Usually they're better at continuity than this. They had her recover from her knee injury for what felt like half a season, fer godssake.
Also, how much was this episode the Big Anvil of Expository Doom? Don't get me wrong, there were some really fine acting moments - even with the anvilly stuff, these actors can't be stopped... but geez.
However, I am very happy that Sam fought for Kara. I have more to say about that - but for once, Kara Thrace got to see what unconditional love means. Contrast Sam and Lee in this episode and tell me you still wanna be a Lee/Kara shipper. I dare you.
I never thought I'd say this, but Dee is soooo better than Lee at this point. I expected her to walk away. She still might.
And, how much does it suck to be Gaius Baltar right now?
Overall it wasn't bad, compared to regular TV fare. It just lacked the subtlety that I've come to expect from this show.
[does anyone else remember a film called Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice? 'Cause I was all ready for a foursome. Lee & Dee & Kara & Sam just doesn't have the same ring to it, though.]