Some people I know hate on icons for people.
But this is a country led by icons; this is a country that needs the image of hope for progression and a look towards the future.
Germany elected a female Chancellor a couple years ago. This was a groundbreaking achievement for a country who to this day still struggles with rifts and large divisions.
But the absolute most key factor was the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel hailed from East Germany; for those of you who don't know, East Germany was the side of the Nazis. Nowadays there is no real difference between the sides, but this is the first real image of progression since taking down the Berlin wall.
That was a significant movement not only in that country, but in the world powers.
Obama offers this same image.
You don't have to like Obama. You can hate him all you want. You can say his policies are weak.
But he has something that you cannot deny, something that this country needs in order to be unified and move out of our economic and wordly political crisis.
He is the very icon for change in our country. Being the first black president is very notably a huge change for this nation.
But the most key factor is his Middle Eastern heritage.
This shows hope for the country, and an open-mindedness that might not have been so visible before. A willingness to change.
The world is still spinning all the same, but the people inside of it are on the threshold of something great, and Obama is the man that will help progress this.
He is the image of diplomacy that we need; the diplomacy that George Bush failed to advocate in his eight-year reign.
There are many reasons why I voted for this man; I'm not uneducated on his policies and political beliefs.
But that is reason number one.