First post here in god knows how long.
I was just reading this article on
Climate risk 'worse than thought-click hereFor the sake of discussion I was just curious what people's thoughts were. Granted, I'm sure the human race has had an affect on climate. I mean how could we not? We've torn down forests, polluted the air-water, etc etc
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I hope you read what I said correctly, otherwise you are sitting there thinking I am dumb.
I dont think that cars cause that much damage :P nothing near that much.
Don't you have feet ;) and before you shout at me yes I do take your point seriously, I just couldn't get the picture out of my head of people not being able to move without their cars :D
One of the easiest ways of saving on energy costs is to buy local produce, this way extra fuel is not burned trundling goods all over the place, supermarkets are somewhat to blame, but so are the consumers for taking the lazy option. If you were already buying local produce society would not fall apart because essentials would still be available. And did you never camp, forage for blackberries or fish as a child? Most people could fend for themselves given the right conditions, which at present do not exist, this is one of the things we need to think about changing ( ... )
And I agree, we should be looking towards future energy sources and technology. I don't really see a whole lot of innovation these days. Maybe I'm just not paying attention. I find it rather unfortunate that society is so hesitant to jump on the alternative energy source bandwagon. Imagine where we COULD be. Definately something to think about...
I am currently looking into what grants are available to get it on my roof! Not only will it save me a fortune in gas and electricity bills, but will play a small part to cutting the polution levels. If everyone else were to do the same over the next few years it would go a long way to helping the situation.
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