Homecoming - Part I

Sep 28, 2010 22:53

Adrian opens his eyes to the grey morning light, and smiles to feel Dan pressed against his front, hearing the very slight snore. He lifts himself up to get a closer look, and his smile broadens as he sees Dan's features relaxed in sleep, seemingly none the worse for wear after the frightening events of the previous day and a half. Adrian stays there a while, just looking at him, relishing the moment of peace...but he's also distantly aware of the signals his own body is giving, and when Dan starts to slip into greater wakefulness, Adrian moves in, pressing closer against his back and kissing the back of his neck, slowly but intensely.

Dan drifts pleasantly in that little space between sleep and waking, his thoughts not yet crystallized into clear ideas and notions. But when Adrian's mouth passes over his neck and the soothing warmth presses closer behind him, that tender little bubble of softness bursts and he begins to wake more fully. He sighs softly and turns his face into his pillow, his hand sliding over the arm that is wrapped around his middle. "Mmn. Morning."

"Good morning," Adrian whispers, letting his splayed hand drift across Dan's stomach, vaguely, but with increasing purpose. "Feeling better today?" He resumes the kisses, slow and languid and intense, while waiting for the answer.

Dan's breath sucks in through his teeth and he jumps into wakefulness rather quickly, the tender flesh of his belly quivering under Adrian's touch. He dares to presume Adrian's intention, with these kisses and touches, and very slightly arches his back, presses his hips back into Adrian's. "So far so good," he replies, breathlessly as he turns his head down to present Adrian more of his neck.

Adrian smiles at the feel of Dan's skin trembling under his touch, and his hand roams lower and lower. "Oh, I'm very glad to hear that." He lets out an agreeable hum as Dan presses back into him (knowing that will make his own intentions even more unmistakable) and dips his head to take advantage of the tender flesh newly presented, alternating kisses with tiny, tiny nips.

"Yeah, me too," Dan murmurs softly, concentrating more on the drag of Adrian's fingers on him than his words. His eyelids flutter a bit when he feels Adrian's 'intention' pressed behind him and he licks his lips, pushing more surely back against the other man without urgency, only suggestion and enticement. "And, mmn, and you?"

"Couldn't be better." Adrian's murmur is light and casual, as he slips a hand under the waistband of Dan's boxers, almost as an afterthought, trailing light fingers over him, still kissing him intermittently. Slow and easy is perfect, right now.

He gasps softly at the feel and his eyes open. His member twitches to attention and the hand on Adrian's forearm tightens its grip, as Dan's hips shift instead to press into the others hand. "Good," he agrees thoughtlessly.

Adrian smiles at the response he's getting, rocking a little against Dan and letting out a pleased hiss at the feeling. He moves up to nuzzle the shell of Dan's ear, nipping at it once or twice. "What would you like me to do for you?" he whispers, teasingly.

Dan sighs softly at the twin feeling of Adrian's hand at his front and his hardness at his back. "I... Uhm..." His voice trails off and his eyes close again, blushing slightly in shy embarrassment. He rakes his lip through his teeth and lets out a quiet whimper at the attention to his ear, rocking back again to rub his backside against Adrian again, then forward into his hand.
Dan knows what he wants, hasn't been able to stop thinking about it since Adrian first pressed himself inside of him, made him feel so amazing with his hands alone. Yes, he knows exactly what he wants, but he has been taking quite a lot from Adrian lately, and right now, all he really wants is to let Adrian take the lead. "Whatever you want." And then, before Adrian can politely argue, as he's sure to, he turns his head to look at him. "Please? Anything you want at all."

And all Adrian wants, right now, is to give Dan what he asked for last night. He knows that he himself will enjoy it in any case, as will Dan...but he has a good idea what Dan really wants, so why not give it to him? "Mmm. Well, then. I can think of one or two things..." And he hooks his thumb around the waistband of Dan's boxers and tugs, lightly, enough to make the request clear, his breath hot against Dan's jaw.

"And those are?" Dan hushes, looking down and occupying himself with removing his underthings while losing as little contact with Adrian as possible. His fingers twitch with the desire to remove Adrian's boxers as well, but he resolves to wait for him, to let his lover guide him how every he chooses. Regardless, he makes an effort to bodily roll his now nude form against the curve of Adrian's front.

Dan has nothing to fear: Adrian slides out of his own clothing as well, before pulling away for what feels like too long, reaching for the bottle of lotion left on the nightstand. When he returns, he keeps right on kissing Dan's neck and ear like nothing had happened...but trails now-slick fingers up along Dan's inner thigh, finally circling his entrance, teasingly. "You're an intelligent man," he murmurs, throatily. "I'm sure you can figure it out."

Dan tries not to turn and watch Adrian go, but he eventually rolls over a bit to look at him, immediately rolling back into his side again, facing away from Adrian even when he returns. His body buzzes with anticipation and he starts at the distracting touch on the fleshy part of his thigh. He bends his knee forward when Adrian's touch strays and teases, exposing more to him and turning his face into the pillow to hide his blush at Adrian's words and stifle a moan, at a loss for words himself.

And Adrian continues to tease, sliding the finger in, slowly (but not excruciatingly so), circling it around as Dan's body opens up once more under the touches. It isn't long before he's able to add another finger, mouth still roaming across Dan's flushed skin, just enjoying the feel and sound and taste of him.

Dan lays helpless to his ministrations, curling a first into his bed sheets. He thinks that he probably ought to reciprocate somehow, but the selfish part of him doesn't want to do anything to interrupt or hinder Adrian's movement or their slow commencement into what us surely to come. "One-one or two things?" he says, trying to at least participate, though he is in no hurry for that skillful mouth to leave him either.

"Well...I was thinking of something you said the other day-- something you said you would like. Does that sound familiar?" Adrian's voice is speculative, light, as he continues to move, fast then slow then fast again, and gives a little bite to Dan's neck. He considers shifting position, but he wants this to be slow, though no less intense for it. Dan is ready for him, anyway-- so he moves up, until the tip of him is positioned against Dan, waiting only for the right moment. "Tell me if you need me to stop." And then he's pushing in, slowly, muscles taut in concentration, moving a hand to Dan's thigh as he guides himself, alert to any signal of Dan's pain or pleasure.

If Dan's blush gets any hotter he thinks he might burst into flame. He can't comprehend how Adrian can remain so cool and collected in bed, but then, he's not the one with fingers pressed deep inside and the promise of more... At least not today. And the way he moves those fingers, god, Dan rocks back to bring them even deeper, practically sobbing for how good they feel and how much he wants this, and ooh please more! And then Adrian moves up behind him and Dan can't help himself anymore, reaching back to grip Adrian's thigh and pull him closer, turning his head to deposit a sloppy kiss to Adrian's chin. "Ah, please. No, don't stop."

And then... Adrian is slowly entering him, and he holds his breath for a moment before he remembers to relax, and he lets out a breath as he only moves deeper and it didn't hurt at all. "This... This is what I wanted."

As much as Adrian enjoyed-- well, that's not really a strong enough word-- being on the receiving end of this, unable to think for the pleasure Dan was giving him, the way Dan is moaning at the feel of this is doing things to Adrian. Wonderful things, and his voice is strained with it as he replies. "I thought so." Then he's in, and can feel Dan's heartbeat around him, and he groans softly at the intensity of it, pulling almost all the way out and then pushing back in, slow and steady, his hand reaching up and around to brush across Dan's chest and belly, just lightly. He plants open-mouthed kisses to his upper back. "Mm. You feel...wonderful."

Dan can't breathe for how unavoidably and exquisitely full he feels with Adrian inside of him. A slow breath shakes out of him as Adrian pulls out and his hand catches Adrian's as it ghosts over his chest, receiving a kiss on the palm and the force of Dan's soft, "Oh," as Adrian fills him again. He wants to tell Adrian that he's wonderful, tell him how good this feels and how much... How... But his tongue and brain aren't on the same frequency anymore as Adrian finds that place inside of him, and ask he can do is arch back to meet him (and pull him even deeper as a result) and babble incoherently.

If Adrian had any doubt at all that this was what Dan wanted, it's dispelled by the incoherency of his cries and the way he's arching back, eager for more. He groans again at the attention paid to his hands, and bites Dan's shoulder lightly as he keeps rocking, in and out, slow and regular, feeling Dan melt around him. He guides their joined hands downward, to Dan's lower belly. "Would you...touch yourself? For me? Show me what you like?" He's not sure Dan is coherent enough to do this, and it doesn't matter, but just the thought of it is enough to fan the flames even higher.

Dan jolts and hisses, not without pleasure, at the bite, and he jerks his hips back sharply, impaling himself on Adrian's cock in a bit of playful retaliation, crying out softly as he does so. The in and out movement, the regularity, is maddening but heavenly for the way they join together without urgency or misstep, like a dance they've been practicing for years, a lifetime.

He turns his gaze to Adrian as he hears his request, eyelids low, pupils deep and dark. He merely nods, having not even thought about it, enjoying himself quite a lot already as it is. But as he takes himself in hand, grip firm, movement sharp and not unlike how he handles Adrian, the need for more, and faster, and harder becomes more prominent, though he tries his damnedest to keep it concentrated to just this, throwing an arm over his eyes and moaning brokenly.

Adrian cries out, too, at the sudden movement, and though he's thought about drawing this out, letting them stay joined, moving together as long as possible, as he grips Dan his own breath quickens at the feel of it, and Dan's obvious need. So he speeds up, moving just as deeply in and out, but with a faster rhythm, his hand working together with Dan's, relearning the weight and feel of him.

"Ahh," he whines as Adrian picks up momentum, bringing the movement of their hands to match, thrusting back against him again, sharp like before, and then forward into the ring of their hand. "Oh, god, Adrian, please!" he begs, moving the arm from his eyes and reaching back to take a fistful of Adrian's hair.

Adrian lets out a high, thin sound at the sudden but not unwelcome "attack" on his hair (if he had enough presence of mind, he'd be amused at how predictable his reactions are) and bites his lip as he lets out a very eager groan, and does as commanded, picking up the rhythm even further. He ranges across Dan's neck and back, kissing, nibbling and sucking as the intensity builds, not sure he'll ever get enough of the delicious feel of this.

Dan, for his part, has always been an easy study and partner in this regard. To his shame, all it takes is for Adrian to speed up that little bit combined with the way their hands wring his cock together, the sounds Adrian is making in his ear, and he's gone, back arching sharply and body whipcord tight, coming hard with a cry but far too soon.

And Adrian, his own arousal growing by the second, may be a little behind Dan, but not by much. At the feel and sound of Dan clenching hard around him-- and giving a final, involuntary yank on his hair-- he gives up holding back, and lets Dan wring Adrian's own release out of him after only one or two more careful thrusts. He presses his mouth to Dan's back one more as he lies there, gasping, feeling his skin prickle as they both cool down.

Dan struggles to catch his breath... Or to think or move. His fingers stay in Adrian's hair, though lax, sprawling across his scalp as he finds the motor control once more. He thinks to apologize, perhaps, for finishing so quickly, but Adrian is spent as well, so he decides against it.

"Man," he says instead, panting. "That was..." He can't seen to come up with a proper descriptor, so he merely sighs and sinks back against his partner. "That was nice. What a way to wake up."

"Mmmm. Indeed." Adrian shivers at the fingers, curling a hand against Dan's belly once again, relaxedly. He slips out, propping himself up on an elbow so he can lean over Dan and kiss him properly this time, smiling once he pulls back. "I don't know if I can offer you anything quite so interesting for the rest of the day."

It wasn't quite as intense as the last time they came together this way, but Dan doubts there will ever be a time when sex with Adrian is ever going to be dissatisfying. He rolls over onto his back when Adrian pulls out of him, eagerly returning his kisses and pulling him down on top of him (though not without wiping his spend off of his belly first) to kiss him more. "Mmn, I dunno. There's never a dull moment with you, Adrian."

Intensity has its place, but Adrian doesn't want to wear them out before the day has even completely begun. He's happy to lie atop Dan, propped up on his elbows, and kiss him back. He retreats to contemplate Dan's face, the corner of his lip twitching in amusement. "I'll choose to take that as a compliment," he murmurs, before leaning down to focus his attention on the soft junction of Dan's neck and shoulder.

"Yes, after so many dull, hazy years, that its, indeed a compliment." Dan snorts a small laugh at that. "Nnh. Determined to leave your own mark, are you?" He says as he closes his eyes and tilts his chin up, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. "Feel free."

"Hmm. Now that you mention it, I think that's an excellent idea. Turnabout is fair play, after all." Adrian's voice is rich with amusement, and he bends his head to suckle at Dan's neck, playfully, before lowering his head and nipping at his collarbone instead, then smiling back up into Dan's eyes. "If both of us wear turtlenecks at the same time, the jig is, shall we say, up."

Dan sucks a breath in between his teeth... Then gives a low chuckle when Adrian moves lower. "Just as well. I don't mark as easily as you." He pulls Adrian back up to kiss his mouth. "What a shame."

"You should be careful. I might take that as a challenge." Then Adrian is pulled up, and hums agreeably as he kisses Dan, pulling back after a bit to run fingers through Dan's hair, on a whim, all the while looking down at him.

"Oh, well god forbid Adrian Veidt be presented with a challenge." He smiles softly. "I hear I can be quite a challenging man." He closes his eyes as Adrian toys with his hair, sighing. "Thank you, by the way," he says softly.

Adrian leans in to kiss Dan again, just as softly. "Don't you ever change." He pulls back, still smiling, but looking down with a faintly quizzical cast to his eyes. "For what?" For Dan to be thanking him is... Unnecessary is an understatement.

Blush. "For... Well, what we did. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since that night on the sofa. I mean... I really enjoyed being inside of you," he murmurs lowly against Adrian's mouth, reaching down and giving his ass a possessive squeeze. "That was just... Incredible. But I like this too."

Adrian's smile grows much as Dan's blush does, but not in any sort of mockery. "I thought that was the case...and I enjoyed it too, if that even needs saying." He chuckles at the squeeze, and closes his eyes, enjoying the feel of their bodies together, even just casually...and there's a light in his eyes when he reopens them and looks down at Dan. "Believe me, I look forward to enjoying both variations again...with great frequency, as circumstances allow."

Dan chuckles again. "So do I. I can't wait to figure or all the little things that make you tick." He brushes his fingers lightly through Adrian's hair, smiling lovingly at him, though his own eyes hold a mischievous gleam.

Adrian shakes his head, laughing. "Oh, I think you know most of those already." He dips his head to run his lips along the sensitive skin of Dan's chest, in a wordless acknowledgment that yes, he has every intention of finding out the same about Dan, even as something within him is struck speechless by the depth of that smile.

"See, here I was under the impression that you had some skeletons in your closer, Mr. Veidt. Where's the fun in figuring each other out if I already know it all? " He waggles his brows suggestively. He's got a few secrets of his own that he is possibly a bit eager for Adrian to discover, especially given Adrian's recent admission and Dan's later execution.

"Hmm. Well, then, I'll say no more, and let your incredible scientific talent do all the work...Mr. Dreiberg." Adrian reaches down to glide light fingers up and down Dan's side, mapping the feel of his skin once more.

Dan frowns with amusement, obviously fighting back a grin. "You're no fun."

"You wound me." Adrian mock-sighs and slides one hand under Dan's lower back, curling his fingers into the sensitive muscle there, as he leans in and kisses precisely over Dan's Adam's apple. "If you have any...advance requests, I'd be happy to take them into consideration."

Dan arches his back off the bed a little to give Adrian's hand room. "Mmn, well... I'll think about it," he responds playfully. In actuality, he doesn't really have much nerve to tell Adrian what exactly what he likes, and his blush only serves to counteract his cheeky words.

"Well, then." Adrian rubs his hip, in small circles. The blush, of course, is not lost on him, and his head tilts in thought. "Hmm. Or I could simply...experiment, myself, and catalog your reactions. I think that would be a very rewarding pastime."

A nervous laugh bursts out of Dan and he turns his head to the side, his mouth falling open at the sensation of the movement. "That-that would probably work."

Dan's nervousness is palpable-- and after his mention of the Twilight Lady, Adrian has a feeling that Dan has a few skeletons in his closet that he might not yet be comfortable with revealing...but, no matter. Things will happen as they happen. He rolls to one side, landing face-to-face with Dan, pulling him close and kissing him again.

Dan sighs into Adrian's kiss, allowing himself to be commanding in it, if only for a moment. "Mmn, we're never gonna make it back at this rate."

"Well, it's still reasonably early. We have time." He rests for a moment, face to face with this amazing man, breathing in time with him. "Feel like getting up yet? Or shall we lie here a little longer?"

Dan had taken to just barely brushing his fingertips over the lines of the muscles in Adrian's chest and stomach, his eyes lowered. "Oh, I dunno. I kind of like this." His touch follows a dizzying path down past Adrian's navel, past his hip bone, dancing along the fine lines of the tendons there, of his amazing body.

Adrian isn't in any hurry to move, himself, and lets himself be still and enjoy the touches, sighing in pleasure, eyes half-closed. As Dan's fingers brush across a sensitive spot on his lower stomach, the muscle quivers, but subsides.

His hand curls over Adrian's hip bone, his thumb pressing into the taut, tender muscles of his lower abdomen and stomach. He peers up at Adrian, leaving forward and ducking his head under Adrian's chin to slowly, gently mouth at his neck, almost more to soothe than to tease or entice.

Adrian tilts his head back to help Dan do just that, mouth falling open in pleasure at the feeling of it, as his eyes close. He lets out a little moan as he relaxes under the treatment, hands curling around Dan's back to pull him closer, fingers splayed to trace unknown symbols across his skin.

"I love your neck," Dan whispers, letting his hot breath stimulate the moist skin there. His hand roves over Adrian's side to his lower back, pulling him in tightly against him as he presses to the muscles there and continues tasting Adrian's luscious skin.

"Oh, I can tell," he whispers, "and it loves you." He wants to reverse this, hold Dan still while he worships every inch of him and whispers his own praises, but he resists-- there will be time for that later. "Mmm." His own hand continues its roaming, in parallel with Dan's, mapping from the jut of his shoulder blades down the knobs of his spine to his lower back, sliding down across the curve of his ass and back up.

Dan groans and wiggles at the feel of Adrian's hand gliding over his backside. "Mmn, I almost wish we hadn't just gotten this all done and over with." He chuckles softly, "Back in my twenties, I would have been ready to go again by new. What did you call me? Incorrigible?" He inches down the bed a little to give the same treatment along Adrian's clavicle, fingers slowly moving upwards to count every vertebra in his spine.

Adrian arches his back languidly, feeling the pleasant stretch of muscles that still haven't entirely woken up, their earlier exertions notwithstanding. "I'm beginning to believe it's your middle name. No matter-- we can take a rain check." He hisses at the treatment of his collarbone, stretching his neck before leaning down to bury his lips in Dan's hair, hand tracing forward over the curve of Dan's hip and onto his stomach.

Dan pauses for a moment before nosing up against Adrian's chin again. "That's not a problem is it?" He seeks out Adrian's eyes, a question in his own. He's sorely beginning to fall under the impression that, contrary to popular belief, Adrian Veidt isn't as much of a sexual being as the media would have had folks think.

Adrian's hand stills for a moment as he looks back into Dan's eyes, surprised. "Not at all." Then he smiles, and hugs him close, and kisses his forehead again, before bending down to nuzzle Dan's ear. "I told you," he says, his voice low and rich with amusement, "you know most of my secrets, and one of them is that this-" he breaks off to kiss Dan again- "is perfectly enough for me, right now." It is.

Dan smiles softly, his hand stroking slowly down Adrian's spine again. He kisses Adrian gently but deeply, sighing into his mouth and then setting his forehead to Adrian's. "I feel the same. I can't get enough of you," his lips quirk, "but this is all I could ever want or need."

Adrian blinks at the words, feeling a sudden rush of emotion and not trusting himself to respond-- so he wraps his arms around Dan and nestles closer to him, as if trying to pull him into his own skin. Dan will understand. He stays that way, the moment seeming to stretch out to forever.

Dan smiles softly. He does understand. He pulls Adrian in as close as he possibly can and continues holding him tight. He wonders if Adrian has ever been in love with someone who loved him back. He probably has, they're in their sixties after all, and having never loved or been loved at this point seems like an impossibility. But still, he wonders as he strokes his hands over Adrian's back, leaning in after a long silent moment to kiss him again.

Adrian, in his life, has done many things that others might consider impossible...and this is among them. Something in him still can't bear to think about this too much, this sudden fruition of a desire that's lain dormant within him for as long as he can remember, only (with Dan's help) finally brought back out into the light...and utterly, absolutely undeserved, and even more amazing for that. Thinking about it too much hurts, like poking at a half-healed wound, so he simply lies there, arms around Dan, trying to be as present in the moment as he can, stirring only to kiss him back.

Dan brushes the hair away from Adrian's forehead, observing this demeanor of his. Adrian being without his regular verbosity has always worried him. "Are you okay?"

Adrian exhales, and smiles at the touch, and tightens his arms. "More than okay." It's absolutely true.

Dan smiles softly. "Good. I like the sound of that." Maybe this reflective silence thing isn't as big of a concern as he thought. He yawns and buries his face into Adrian's neck. He's not gonna move again if he can help it.

Adrian smiles again at the yawn, and shifts to allow Dan to nestle against him more comfortably. They do have things to do today, but it's still early, and for now, lying together listening to the morning birdsong seems like where they need to be.

dan, nc-17

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