Sep 01, 2003 23:10
Well I got back from sc last night around 3 in the morning thinking about how I would have to go to work at new the same morning...listening to my Vines Get Free Cd I began to reminese about the beautiful place I seemed to belong to now.
All the way down I was thinking how shitty this this "vacation" was going to be. After all I was goign with my sister, brother-in-law and their bratty child. As I looked out the window of our ocean view hotel room I started to think...I'll just escape to the waters this week...if I'm lucky they will forget about me. Looking around the huge Buffet Capital of the world that is Myrtal Beach I began feeling like I belonged here. (Not because of the buffets, just because the town is like a huge sea-side with a lot more to do....buffets are cheesy anyways) NOricing all the cute guys my age I was really taken aback at how stupid I have been for a long time...i mean when you really think about it....its really really hard NOT to be in a relationship sooner or later if your willing. Just some eyecandy and wishful thinking about things to come. I started concentrating on the things I want to have, do and say while I was down there...feeling a lot mroe independent and not so worried about other back....sking peeling...zombie walking...sunbacked beach boy who has nothing to wish for expet next years trip...with myself...and who knows who else. (never again with my familly)