Don't you think it's time we reinvestigate this situation?

Aug 07, 2003 22:06

"I give up..." she said.
It's something I have heard time and time again and I was as apathetic to it now as I was then... but somehow it struck a chord in me. I was angry and confused. I hate this world and I hate it's people. I am a product of years of self-loaving...there are more people more deserving of this life, I know...but somehow I figured if I just try to do the right thing then maybe someday it will be alright.
My "sister" as I call my Guardian's daughter after years of not knowing any better, (Trust me if I had a choice......well maybe I shouldn't jump to that. I do know however after my Guardian dies we will probably never talk on friendly terms again.) has stolen money from my mother to appease her addiction to nasel spray, mary jane, pain killers... and somehow after all of this pain and misfortune on my mothers part I am the one left out in the cold...
Something says I should have known, something tells me I shouldn't have been so blind as into believe in this thing I came to call a familly...
The reason for all this seemignly standard tradegedy? Because I did not fold and put away my clothes. I get tired of hearing all the shit I do, when all she should care about is what I do, do. God bless her and this "family".
*Sits back a moment how pathetic his life really is...*
I hate you Shane, I hate you Mom, I hate you Dad, I hate you hypocrite Ed, I hate the fairytales of which I know I will never dream, I hate you most of all world for this hell you let us create. As if it was nothing more than a joke."Go ahead, do what you want."says the says my apathetic mother.
I hate the bullshit of highschool, I hate the chains in which I am too scared to break....nothing ever so beautiful comes to those who are slaves to themselves and their habits... no matter what it is. Be it a selfdestructive nature of drug abuse or being a little disorganized. So here I am sitting in my shit warm and happy...maybe I should just keep my mouth shut...maybe one day, things will matter.
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