Oct 17, 2005 01:23
Fall Farther: hello.
Autumn of Souls: Hello
Fall Farther: how are you?
Autumn of Souls: Decent.
Autumn of Souls: Bored...but doing well.
Autumn of Souls: I had a 4 hour conversation with Taylor last night at Madi's house.
Fall Farther: oh god.
Autumn of Souls: "Oh God"?
Fall Farther: to be honest, i care nothing for taylor anymore.
Autumn of Souls: You are fucking up.
Autumn of Souls: Dont tell me anything like that again, ever.
Autumn of Souls: I do NOT want to hear it. true or not.
Autumn of Souls: Why does that comma appear to be a period? Hmm
Autumn of Souls: And seeing what you just typed, forget anything I was about to tell you about her.
Fall Farther: why are you blaming me for not wanting to contnuously get blown off by her?
Autumn of Souls: You know not what she suffers from.
Fall Farther: i have things to worry about myself.
Autumn of Souls: I learned 75% of what the problem is last night, and the other 25% I requested be put off until a new day.
Autumn of Souls: Then worry about your own issues.
Fall Farther: why is this even any of my business?
Autumn of Souls: I thought you cared.
Fall Farther: is it really something that important?
Autumn of Souls: Depends on what perspective you are viewing it from.
Fall Farther: it seems to me that she wished to be alone..so i left her alone.
Fall Farther: if she does not see that i have gone out of my way to care for her, then i am hurt.
Fall Farther: since she talkes to you so much...you should know.
Fall Farther: i am tired of weak people. everyone needs advice it seems.
Autumn of Souls: She doesnt even know how much I care for her, and I've told her.
Autumn of Souls: Doesnt mean I'll stop.
Autumn of Souls: Same case with Cathy, lol.
Autumn of Souls: Only the statement can be applied.
Autumn of Souls: It is a different situation, heh.
Fall Farther: there is a heavy load i carry..
Fall Farther: all i mean is, if taylor is having a hard time again, then i would rather not know.
okay readers....this is your chance to give me some input.
WHAT does any of this possibly have to do with me?
and will not.
all i wish is to be left at peace.
-and again all i can think is "texas".