Aug 06, 2007 16:04
I was browsing my art links last night trying to determine where to begin, and I realized that I have no idea. lol. I have so many links scattered everywhere. It's a little daunting, to be honest. So until I get everything organized I thought I would at least explain a little about the types of art, art sites, etc. I will be posting about....blah, get the picture.
Okay, so I'm a huge fan of art; therefore, my spectrum with be incredibly broad. I love it all. Of course, I do have my favourites--doesn't everyone?--and my recs may seem one-sided from time to time. There will probably be an abundance of digital works, as well as fan art, because (yes, you've guessed it) these are my favourites. ^_^ But I will try to keep it fairly evened out.
Also, I'm not very "Net-savvy" and the majority of my selections will come from a selective pool of sites I frequent. But I am open to any suggestions and recommendations. I encourage them! I beg for them! (okay..maybe that's over-doing it. lol) The point is, the more the merrier!
I have also been struggling with how I want to go about this. Do I want to focus on current artists? Or include a variety of current and past artists? I think I may mix it up by throwing in some more traditional/historical figures and works, just to shake things up a little. I'd love to here any suggestions that you have. ~_^ I guess I'll just 'wing-it' for now.
Alrighty, I guess that's all for now. Ooo..wait! ::clears throat nonchalantly:: I will probably post some of my own works on here as well. Eh, beats having two lj accounts--and let's face it, I'm pretty lazy. One will be more than enough for me. :P I will try to post as often as I can, but I'll only promise at least once a week. I'm not much of a blogger and the school session is starting, so no guarantees. In the end, I hope everyone will enjoy the recs as much as I will sharing them. ^_^
(Side note): I may post later tonight to set things in motion.