Jun 04, 2004 21:14
It's been awhile, not too much has happened since the last entry....found a job whooo hoo I am currently employed at jo-ann fabric, so if you need you some fabric cut I'm your woman....no but i'm happy to have a job, wish jeffrey could find one....decided i guess to stay at eastern at least for this year, so i need to find an apartment, with tarin, and i also talked to stacey about it, but haven't been able to find anything cheap like you asked stace yikes!.....so all in all things are going good, babysitting right now so that totally blows and stuff....planning on talking to jen about everything soon, so hopefuly that goes good and she doesnt take offense to the whole situation...oh man i've been doing this puzzle and i think we are missing a piece that's like the worse thing ever....been watching movies a lot because we haven't got ourselves cable yet, but on tuesday we will.....just watched kill bill, and american psycho yesterday, also recently watched LOTR, but im a cheerleader, and some others, sorry im pretty bored, therefore im boring i'm sure alright well about two more hours of babysitting