[OOC] Contact Info + How's My Driving?

Nov 05, 2020 15:42

LJ account: fishytasty
E-mail/MSN: fishytasty@hotmail.com
Although please ask/tell me if you want to add me onto MSN because I will be weirded out like hell if a random person I don't really know does that. 8D

So yeah, I know this is an AU thing and all, but still! Tell me if you think I'm epically failing at something, because otherwise I'll never ever know and I will continue to suck. The only issue I might have is that it should be constructive criticism because telling me that "LOLOLOL YOU ARE T3H SUXORS" isn't too helpful when it comes to trying to figure out how I should play him. So yeah! Lay it on me, guys!

Comments are screened and anonymous posting allowed. 8D


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