(no subject)

Aug 15, 2006 16:58

I really hate the military. Well, I like it because they protect the US and everything and I am more than thankful for that, and maybe it's not so much the military, but the fact that Chris is in the military.  He came home a week ago on emergency leave because of a death in his family.  He drove the 11 hours here from Norfolk and then back again all night just to be home for a few days.  As crazy as he may be I am so thankful that he does what he does for this relationship. I really really enjoyed our time together for those few days and I can't get over how much I would love for him to be home all the time, just working or doing the college thing, but this is what he wanted and I can't be selfish and I need to respect his decision and the decisions he's making. Right now he is in the field until Thursday, meaning he and I can't talk.  I know to all of my friends it seems that he and I are consistently talking on the phone..but to be honest, unless you're in a relationship like I am in, it's almost impossible to understand how hard it is, and that I take every open opportunity to communicate with him as much as possible because I don't know the next time I'm going to see him, and with his upcoming deployments, I want to be with him as much as I can be.  This is so hard for me but I know it's worth it. So, I apologize for being on the phone, but I'm not really that sorry because talking with him almost makes up for seeing him once, two times a month tops. [haha--it makes sense to me, anyways..]

Today is the last day of Hip Hop.  That's kinda sad, I loved this dance class, mostly because it didn't make me feel like an idiot because no one else, with the exception of kristen and the one black girl in the class, was that great either [no offence ellen or amy! haha] I would love to find a place in Kalamazoo that offered adult hip hop--it would be a nice break in the week from my ridiculous 18 credit hours.  I'm looking forward to my golf class though; it's only six weeks and maybe I'll get decent enough to play with my parents or Chris when he's home because he's good too.

I'm really looking forward to going back to school.  I moved into my apartment on Sunday, and I LOVE IT.  It's beautiful and spacious and comfortable and decorated to my tastes.  My room is very comfortable and it feels like home .  Chula will definitely add some life to it as well.  I can't wait for work to end, either.  Fox Hills is the worst place to work, EVER.  I finally get some hours, and I'm scheduled on the morning I told them from the beginning I couldn't work. Awesome. Babysitting was definitely worth it, the kids are fun and it's really good money, so no complaints there.

I'm getting my hairs cut and highlighted on Thursday--i can't wait, it really needs to get done.

Hopefully I'll be able to go spend a weekend in September down in Virginia with Chris, I would love to see him sometime before he's not allowed to come home anymore and we might spend some time in DC, which would be fun.  As of right now he won't be home for his birthday, my birthday & Canada, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, our one year, Valentine's Day..and all of next summer. That really really really sucks.  Please keep him in your prayers.

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