Apr 16, 2010 15:21
Oh my gosh, last week of school DONE!!!! It's been amazing though, I have never had such a concentration of Thief references in my life! First, in my Egyptian religion class, my prof explained how Cleopatra wasn't actually beautiful, all the men who fell head over heels in love for her did so because of her brains. My first thought, "EDDIS!!!!!" Then, studying for finals and reading about Hadrian, the text book called him "mercurial." My first thought, "GEN!!!!!" (I believe that description was in KoA). Another Gen reference, this time referring to his tendency towards extravagant apparel, came when my Classical Studies prof was describing the tetrarchs under Diocletian and how they wore outrageously extravagant dress (even jeweled shoes), that was so crazily extravagant that it shocked their subjects. I was laughing the whole time, recalling everyone's reactions to Gen's outfits. And, finally, the parting words of my Egyptian relig. prof, last class of the year, "I wish you the best in your endeavors." I almost fell out of my chair. It was like Gen was there speaking to me. It almost makes me miss my classes, *sigh*.