Jan 12, 2006 20:34
Well I'm home alone still, Will has his car in the garage and I'm on the street, I ended up getting a parking pass for the city so I wouldn't have to move the cars around. Anyway, I'm working on getting another job since mine doesn't pay me, well on time anyway. I've had to wait an extra week past pay-day because when I went to cash my paycheck at my employer's bank, they wouldn't take the check. I was so angry. I'm tired of this bizarro world of work, it's not supposed to be like this...in fact, it's illegal that we work this way.
I just hope I'm making some kind of difference with my kids, it's really amazing how some of them act toward me and how different they act toward me when I'm not teaching them. For example, when I went to get water today, one of my boys waved from his work group in the caf and asked me a question. I was like "wow, I thought you hated me." And when I'm responsible for them i.ed. class time or lunch duty, they do act like they hate me, but it's nice to know that they're not jerks all the time.
I'm in tremendous back pain lately, getting in and out of cars and on and off chairs and the bed is rather hard. I was taking a passive approach to my pain, just popping pills but now I'm using the ole ice it and then heat it and pills approach. I think my long journey north did me some harm, that or the big move and lifting things the wrong way. It's so sad that I feel like an old woman and smell like peppermint and grandma; and I'm only 23