Jul 11, 2005 21:45
yes, that's right. Will, my ever vigalant roomate and friend actually caught a live one walking around on our counter. Now, this could be isolated, but I'm guessing that where there is one, there is bound to be many. I did an internet search on breeds and such and found it to be a German roach, leave it to those dirty germans to bring those things over. I guess it picked the right house, considering our neighbors are all, um...not german. I called the landlord and he told me not to worry because he was a native Texan and could deal with any old Wisconsin roach, which takes some worries away from me. And also leads me to believe that he's delt with them before. hmmm. I pulled out all our food from the pantry and put all the perishables into plastic containers that I got via Walmart and even picked up some motels, I may might not use them though, gotta see what the roomie says. I just think trash when I think of them. TV and movies like Gummo have broke my brain when it comes to insects; I don't have a mindset that these things are everywhere, just in bad people's homes and I guess I don't want to be a bad person. Do you hate me? Do you think I'm a slob becaues I'm not. Frank was nice as can be to me though, he always knows how to make me feel better when I'm sad, but only when he knows I'm sad, otherwise he can be clueless.