I wrote a letter to NY times editor almost a month back regarding
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/11/world/asia/11indiacar.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=tata+nano&oref=slogin and so did a couple of my friends and still no one has received a reply.
---mail begins---
I wanted to bring to your notice, the article
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/11/world/asia/11indiacar.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=tata+nano&oref=sloginWhich is about the launch of the world's cheapest car released in India.
This article's content I think is uncalled for, it is at one level falsification of facts or fictitious if I may call so. The author though being an Indian, clearly has a disconnect with India, and probably is trying to paint an image that's only in his imagination. In the era while a country is at pace with the world with nano technology and houses the Silicon city of the world, the title "Indians Hit the Road Amid Elephants", is so very unreal. A lot of my media friends share the same opinion, as NYTIMES and such are the face of Indian News around the world, such reports clearly damage the country's reputation. Clearly no report in the world mentions indian roads and drivers as the worst, on the contrary a google search just triggers almost all other countries than India. I think a note of apology from the author is called for.