Apr 02, 2009 13:14

[series]: Bleach
[character]: Kurotsuchi Mayuri

[character history / background]: (and everything included in the synopsis except the Bount arc.)

[character abilities]:

As a genius, no matter how mad, he has served to further the advancement of Soul Society's technology for many years. So, despite his abilities as a Shinigami- his Shikai, his Bankai and his use of kidou, shunpo and more, he is entirely capable of using various scientific devices for his benefit. He has even gone so far as to change his own body, adding hidden weapons and more. To put it simply, there is almost no end to what he can do as long as it is scientifically possible and he has the means to do so. But with limited resources comes limited possibilities. In his own lab, he has much to use, but otherwise. . .

However, in terms of his strength among the captains, he is not as strong as some. His prowess comes in his intelligence and planning. However, it is likely he could be physically overpowered if someone was able to void any of the improvements he has made. How that can be done, however, is questionable if it's even possible.

[character personality]: Mayuri is clinical, devious, ambitious, cruel, utterly insane; all those little bits and puzzles of a great puzzle that merely leads to unquestionable insanity. He is the mad scientist, who would treat any living thing as a tool- a mere object, without emotions or meaning unless it is to further his own goals.

He is a man, as shown, to mock the very idea of 'perfection'. Something that would render him useless, obsolete. He knows of his own failures, and the failures of others, using them to learn from rather than merely ignoring them.

Perhaps he does not view himself in a narcissistic way, but he is arrogant. He is blunt, speaking in a manner that would likely have anyone frightened. Quick-witted, cruel, perhaps in a manner to further his own amusement- or he's simply difficult by nature. He might be more agreeable with someone that he believes of use, as long as they continue to be useful. But he is insulting, even going so far as to physically abuse his 'daughter' and Vice-Captain, Kurotsuchi Nemu, for her 'failures'.

Is he without morals? Yes, in the way of common man. He is a being of science, ambitious and always looking forward to advancement. He is methodical, never one to needlessly jump into battle- instead planning and researching before hand. Even going so far as to bar others from the library while doing so, stating 'Enter and I'll Kill You'. Very little in him compels him to respect others; even to call them by name in a respectful manner is, for him, to show that at the very least he doesn't want to bother with the consequences of not doing so. The only person he has been shown to have any respect for is the Commander-General, Yamamoto. And perhaps Kisuke Urahara.

In battle, though he is not as physically proficient as others, he has shown to be extremely capable when it comes to his respective Shikai and Bankai. As well, he shows just how sadistic he is in battling, as he likely sees it as an opportunity to learn more about his opponent- if he even believes there is anything to learn. He not only uses various fighting techniques, but poison, and has even gone so far as to replace his own organs with dummy's in his battle with the Octava Espada, Szayel.

There is very little in him that redeems him, except perhaps his loyalty to the Gotei 13. At the very least, he isn't someone to betray them, even if he pushes the boundaries of the respected and the legal at every moment. But then, he is after all, a man of science and he can never afford to let something like justice get in his way.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Manga verse, chapter 306 (Not Perfect is Good)

[journal post]: {voice post}

How interesting, how amusing. All you humans and other fascinating things, running amok as if there is no rhyme or reason, no consequence. Fools trapped in a cage, until your captors decide to set you free. If it is freedom at all.

But more curious...

Vampires, demons; all these so-called 'immortals'. There is a question to be asked, in the nature of things. Would you be interesting, or tiresome? Something to be discovered, understood, or to be culled like a lame beast from the herd.

Do they think they have reached perfection, that loathsome little parasite that dares rend me obsolete? Why, the very concept is laughable.

Now, then.

Which one of you shall I dissect first, hmmm? I always welcome volunteers in the name of science. If you cannot die, little worms, show me your arrogance so that I may remove it.

Come one, come all. I haven't all the time in the world. And if you shall not come, I will find you, to be sure.

[third person / log sample]: There is a magnifying glass, in his hands (rhetorical, for the blade is sharp and not at all for the magnification of the sun, though perhaps...) and an ant crawling upon the ground. So what does he do? He watches it burn, gleefully, as the outer shell begins to smolder and crumble and the innards shrivel beneath the burning glare.

He watches it, recording every detail in his mind. The emotions, the reactions; physical, mental, all of it falling apart in throes of panic and realization.

It is no ant, but it might as well be a worm. Pathetic and so very single-minded in it's nature, incapable of perceiving it's own demise. Trapped in it's very own body, as the drug seeps through it's veins and slows time to a trickle.

A year, ten years, one hundred...

Oh, but was he not the supreme being? Immortal, he said. Perfect, he said. How he could have laughed. And yet he explains the situation, as if the foul little insect could even understand.

But time is slowing, slowing, slowing (or rather it's perception speeding beyond that of real-time, sending it into a limbo of his very own make).

This was what it was to spit on perfection. Yes. To destroy that which did not exist. A man of science could not allow himself to be perfect. He could not render himself obsolete- unless (unless the fool, for he is only a fool, had forgotten what it was to achieve. and so he could only fail).

Mayuri grins; a flash of yellow against black and white, as the sword (that fire, burning through flesh and bone) pierces his heart.

"Alright, then... Enjoy yourself for the next hundred years."

polychromatic, application

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