True, Foxy, without our excessive ole-ing and Rala's dedication as a fangurl things would have looked differently! Jogi should thank us! (btw. I didn't invent 'Loew's Miserables', though I love the phrase. It's the name of a comm here.)
Mutti? I wondered for a sec whom you mean. *ggg* She likes to visit the team after a match and thanks to facebook and twitter we get a lot of pics. (Lukas Podolski is the king of selfies. Have you seen him and Schweini kissing? ♥) Anyway... Bundes-Angie surrounded by beaming, sweating, half naked men? Honestly, I am torn between grinning and :facepalm: ...
It was exciting until the end, wasn't it? I was literally on the edge of my seat, and it was especially the little bloke who made it so hard for the German team. Damn, is he fast!
We Minxes did our bit but it was probably the dedication of that darling fluffy little fangirl so Jogi should certainly be thanking her! Perhaps a year's supply of her favourite doggie treats?!! ♥
Loew's Miserables is certainly a catchy phrase and great name for a comm!!
Lucky old Bundes-Angie!! Yes, I saw Lukas and Schweini kissing - RPF slash pairing?!! ;-) - and I really like Lukas so I'd like to have swapped places with Schweini!! ♥
It was exciting and a fitting game to end a great World Cup...sadly the little bloke only showed flashes of what he's capable of but he caused the German team a few little problems.
Okay, one final chorus!! Ole...ole...ole...ole ~ ole...ole!!!! *waves pom-poms*
HRF is taking the credits for winning the golden Cup most graciously! :D WUFF WUFF!
Meanwhile there is a looong tradition of Lukas/Schweini RPF ("Schweinski") since the two have this awesome chemistry for years. So yeah, I guess these kissing pics made quite a lot of shippers happy ;-)
Excellent pom poms waving skills there, my good ELMie! *applauds*
I wondered for a sec whom you mean. *ggg* She likes to visit the team after a match and thanks to facebook and twitter we get a lot of pics. (Lukas Podolski is the king of selfies. Have you seen him and Schweini kissing? ♥) Anyway... Bundes-Angie surrounded by beaming, sweating, half naked men? Honestly, I am torn between grinning and :facepalm: ...
It was exciting until the end, wasn't it? I was literally on the edge of my seat, and it was especially the little bloke who made it so hard for the German team. Damn, is he fast!
Okidoki, one last time:
Olééééééé olé olé oléééééééééé!!!!!
Loew's Miserables is certainly a catchy phrase and great name for a comm!!
Lucky old Bundes-Angie!! Yes, I saw Lukas and Schweini kissing - RPF slash pairing?!! ;-) - and I really like Lukas so I'd like to have swapped places with Schweini!! ♥
It was exciting and a fitting game to end a great World Cup...sadly the little bloke only showed flashes of what he's capable of but he caused the German team a few little problems.
Okay, one final chorus!! Ole...ole...ole...ole ~ ole...ole!!!! *waves pom-poms*
Meanwhile there is a looong tradition of Lukas/Schweini RPF ("Schweinski") since the two have this awesome chemistry for years. So yeah, I guess these kissing pics made quite a lot of shippers happy ;-)
Excellent pom poms waving skills there, my good ELMie! *applauds*
Schweinski huh?!! Now that's a slash pairing I could get to like rather a lot and I can see how they would have chemistry!! ♥
Why thank you, my dear Shirlie Girlie!! Impressive scarf-waving on your part too, if I might be so bold!! *applauds you too* *g*
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