Apology & little Fannish Update

Dec 08, 2010 01:50

I must apology, beloved f-list, for not commenting much in your journals these days. Same procedure as every year, James: Pre-Christmas = more work, less computer-time. Promise, I will do my very best trying to catch up!

So, let me say in short what’s going on in the fannish department:

Merlin Season 3 - *squeeeee*
True Blood Season 3 -  *roarrrrr*
Smallville Season 9 - *squeeeee* & *roarrrrr*
Supernatural Season 6 - *bares fangs*
Harry Potter 7 pt. 1 - *sniff*
David Bowie - *old vinyl on heavy rotation*

Well, not that I’m that much into HP fandom, but I saw the new film last night, and I enjoyed it. Even shed a little tear at one point… hence the *sniff* ;-)

And for the German Torchwood fans: „Sherlock Holmes“ mit unserem allseits geliebten Gareth David-Lloyd läuft am Samstag dem 11.12. auf Tele5. Ich gestehe, ich lache mich schon jetzt scheckig darüber! LOL

smallville, david bowie, gareth david-lloyd, rl, sherlock, merlin, supernatural, true blood

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