(no subject)

Aug 12, 2006 21:20

I don't have to work until Wednesday. And weirdly enough all I've been doing since last night is to read Drarry fics. And re-kindle the Potthead obsession. Damn if I know what I find so addictive in the scarehead, speccy git with the baddest hair since Edward Scissorhands. No wait, make that Tim Burton (oh come on, I really like Tim, and I'm very curious as to how Johnny Depp would have looked as Harry had Tim directed the films XD).

And I'm threatening to spank the living daylights out of the Marvel Child if he doesn't take his tennis seriously again. Clearly, Carlos just can't put some discipline on the Wonder Boy Toy, I can just imagine his weak attempts at not giving nookie unless he trains... and failing, so we'll have to take matters into our own hands *gets the paddle* The ninja squad will be watching you closely during Cincy, Rafa. And if everything else fails we can ask amelieeowyn to cast some of her super-ninja jedi tricks on him at the USO and erase the gf from his memory so he goes at his tennis like the possessed teenager he once was.

Anyway. Memes stolen from nastasie.

My top 15 in the fictional character shag list. In no particular order.

1) Lt. Ripley. Oh yes, Brian Kinney had it right, and I think I've said it before but she was like whoa! when I was 10.

2) Ok, this is gonna sound horribly phedophilic, but I'm going back to when I was like 7 or 8 and Atreyu from the first Neverending Story film was the yummiest thing I had ever seen. But taking into account that the book Atreyu seems much older than his child-like appearence I just might escape the hand-basket.

3) Glorfindel. Yes I've been in lust with him for ages.

4) Túrin and Beleg. Because they just have to share the number/air/space/fate whatever.

5) Every single character played by Karl Urban, Munder, Vaako, Eomer, Kirill, Grimm, you name it.

6) Trinity from Matrix.

7) Sway from the Gone in 60 seconds re-make. 'cos omfg.

8) Brian Kinney. Lyek, doh.

9) Harry Potter fucking Draco Malfoy. Or the other way around, I don't care, but it's gotta be the two of them.

10) Ray Kowalski from Due South.

11) Gambit, good heavens, yisplz.

12) Athos.

13) William of Baskerville. Oh yes, no excuses.

14) Severus Snape. Oh good grace, three from Potterverse, no way I'm escaping the hand-basket now.

15) Ze Rafalos. They together as an item are very much fictional (as true as they might seem to me), so there.

And a colour meme.

1. Closest red thing to you? My tea mug.
2. Last thing to make you angry? People abandoning their dogs on the roads to go to their summer holidays. This week we got five new ones, and last night we had to find another place for yet another one 'cos we have dogs coming out of our ears at the shelter and we don't have any place left for more. I have another one in temporary keeping right here as well.
3. Do you have a temper? Naw, I'm quite the sheep. Baaaaaah.
4. Are you a fan of romance? *makes the lemon face* not even hand holding. But on fics I can't get enough *_*

1. Closest orange thing to you? Nothing on sight.
2. Do you like to burn things? Not anymore.
3. Dress up for Halloween? Not celebrated here. I did a couple of times when I lived in Mexico.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Just towards animals.
5. Do you have anything against redheaded people? I have a thing for redheads, actually. Drive me insane with lust, they do.
6. Are you usually full of energy? I have to literally drag myself up from bed and it hurts. Has to do with having really low blood pressure or something. So not at all.

1. Closest yellow thing to you? My pyjama pants.
2. The happiest time[s] of your life? Well... one of the times I've enjoyed the most was when I lived by myself in London.
3. Favourite holiday? I'm one of the highly common grynch-people who just don't like holidays.
4. Are you a coward? It depends about what. Life and death issues or defending loved ones from serious danger I usually just react, so no fear there. But I'm a complete chicken-shit at human relationships and social situations.
5. Do you burn or tan? Tan. I'm on the process of going from milk to brown in less than two weeks at the shelter, erm, plucking garden gnomes off the yard XD

1. Closest green thing to you? A lighter. And a butter knife. .. wtf, knife on my 'puter table...
2. Do you care about the environment? One of the few things I take seriously.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Yes.
4. Are you a lucky person? I've had my good times in life, so sometimes.
5. Do you always want what you can't have? Always.
6. Do you like being outdoors? I go through phases.
7. Are you Irish? wtf noes.
1. Closest blue thing to you? A dog harness.
2. Are you good at calming people down? looooooool
3. Do you like the sea? If I could I'd live in a hut by the sea.
4. What was the last thing that made you cry? That I'm impotent to stop cruelty towards innocent beings.
5. Are you a logical thinker? I try but I don't always listen to my little inner logic freak.
6. Can you sleep easily? Usually I'm an insomniac, but working at the shelter drops me dead every night.

1. Last purple thing you saw? A huge bruise on my thigh XD
2. Like being treated to expensive things? If they're books I can't afford, sure...
3. Do you like mysterious things? I like simple dude, my head's fucked up enough for me to look for mysteries out there.
4. Favourite type of chocolate? Bitter black, 99% cacao.
5. Ever met anyone in royalty? ... Dude, I AM the Empress of this universe, now kneel and kiss my feet.
6. Are you creative? Sometimes it even works against me.

1. Closest pink thing to you? Another dog harness.
2. Do you like sweet things? Not that much.
3. Like play-fighting? Oh god yes!!
4. Are you sensitive? To every-fucking-thing with the exception of everyday human drama, including mine.
5. Do you like punk music? Some of the original punk, yeah.

1. Closest white thing to you? CD paper envelopes.
2. Would you say you're innocent? No, thank you.
3. Always try to keep the peace? Always. Wasn't always like this but I got tired of fighting all the time.
4. How do you imagine your wedding? Non-existant.
5. Do you like to play in the snow? Snow-ball wars!!!
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? Uh, not really.

1. Closest black thing to you? My mobile.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? Why don't you come over here and I'll show you.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? I really don't think that sophisticated would be something used to describe me lyek, ever. Silleh all the way.
4. Would you like to go to space? YES! I wanted to be a pilot when I was a child (among other things) to be closer to it. But right now I'll probably chicken my way out.
5. Do you have a lot of secrets? Not a lot, just a few. And they shall die with me.
6. What is your favourite colour? What's yours?
7. Does the colour you wear affect your mood? It might affect the mood of my work mates if I wear bright orange and yellow for a long period of time, heehee.

You know? I'm a pretty boring person and this was a pretty boring meme 'cos I don't even have the snarkastic answers to make it fun right now. Oh well. That's what happens when you have no life at all besides dogs and the internets.

I want loads of money, 'cos I really need to visit nastasie and snark away at the fugly one and squee with Lia about Pottery stuff, and I really need to take amelieeowyn out for coffee and go with her to the USO and squee with her about Rafaish stuff, and I really need to become doggie_sausage's ninja body guard 'cos she's obviously too sexy for her shirt and everyone else can cleary see that so must protect. And that's just the tip of the ice-berg. /random.

attack of the memes

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