(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 22:44

First: My computer screen died D: I'm using an old one I kept for emergencies, but it's half the size of my pretty, shiny, huge screen, OH NOEZ ;___; I'll mourn you, screen. This one's not the most appropriate one to make icons, grrr argh. But if I have some more free time, it'll have to do, if I wait until I save enough for a new big one this little icon-making muse I have sitting in my shoulder will fly away.

Second: I'm tired of dancing. I bet you'd have never believe to read this from me. I mean, Kim, you *know* me, I'm not a physically outgoing person, I don't dance, I don't draw attention to myself, I'm SHY. But see, today there was a march here, to protest against bull-fighting. We gathered a lot of people, you know, tarps with prints, banners, bandannas, whistles.
One of our main banner images:

Vivo means "alive".
It was a fun and pacific and... *loud*, happy march. Quite festive, marching in front as our flags there was this African drums band and African dance dancers who ohmygod danced *all the way* we walked, it was primal and earthy and beautiful and you couldn't help but move while marching. And the march ended in the town square, with speeches, and a show of silent bloody-hands (well, it's ink, but on over 200 people it looks quite impressive), and then the last dance on the center of the square, the drummers and dancers asked for some of the marchers to come dance with them in the center. Argh, you know, the kind of situation you're NO, NOT ME *HIDES* but see, it's to draw attention to our cause, we're pacific, we don't wanna harm anyone, love and peace and animal rights, so it's this I don't wanna-I wanna push-pull... and the I wanna whatthehell won. *HIDES* So yeah, I danced, in the center with some other marchers and the drummers and the dancers, in front of a LOT of people, and I had a blast. I never really let go and just, y'know, enjoy and let myself be taken by rhythm and primal instincts without getting blocked by my self-consciousness, but after a while it was just us dancing there and whooping and letting go. Hee. I'm all full of good vibes. See, that's another unusual thing in me. Animal Rights marching as therapy XD

Hope y'all are having a great Sunday!


animal rights, blah-blah-blah, this is your life

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