*starry eyes*

Sep 03, 2010 01:01

So I, for once, made good use of a free day \O/ threw away a ton of old towels we never use, threw away the wicker box they were all stashed in, put together some new furniture for our bathrooom to stack up the good towels (like the Japanese, for lack of space, upwards) XD Lovely, I felt great the whole day just for throwing away so much stuff that was just taking up space. Also, for using my power tools, heeeeeeeeeee.

And then I check out my flist... AND MY MIND/OVARIES/HEAD ASPLODED. Seriously!!!??? A Dean Winchester/Neal Caffrey comm??????????? I mean!!!!!!!! ASDFGHJKL?????????

watercolourblue will remember, so will nastasie, how when White Collar came out and we got addicted to Mr.Boner, I went on and on AND ON AND ON about fantazising with scorching animal sex between Sam and Neal... or Jared and BONER, y'know, 'cos Matt looks SO FARKING HOT when he's having fun gaye tiems being seriously snogged and he's so pretty and tiny and GUH SIZE DIFFERENCE, kills me, kills me dead... but it was all in my head, I never really considered... y'know... *fandom*, how it can be a many splendorous thing when it wants to, creating impossible crossover pairings out of nowhere, so UNF I don't, I can't, I'm not *really* that much into Dean/Neal BUT I'VE FRIENDED WHAT, after a short conversation with dauntdraws I have my little hopes up that someday, when the muse strikes, some amazing person over there might want to create something with Sam/Neal. And just the thought... JUST THE THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!! *dies over and over* I mean, check out the shit they have already!!! Daunt's Dean/Neal art and icons and a wall from a manip by fromperdition *CRIES* Scorching. It's all so heavenly. It even made me look for caps that I could use in... er... maybe... possibly... someday... a Sam/Neal manip ^^

Also, ALL ICONS HERE omg, first four had me rollin' XD

And manip-anis here... they... well they're... they're hypnotic, and NSFW, and sexy, and addictive, and I'm not even into Dean/Cas like AT ALL yet I can't, for the life of me, look away. They're so well done.

... so, okay, I might have had too much coffee and too many gummy bears, I'm overly excitable, but this is all amazing :D

Also: greatpoets ♥ like whoa.

PS. Haven't seen any USO or Darth!Rafa, goshdarnit, I miss European time zones, US tourneys are not good for my beauty sleep ^^

PPS. We ALL agree about the FB/Twatter comment x-post shit as wrong and ridiculous and lame, but just in case a nonny comes across my stuff: just say NO to the FB/Twitter comment linking option.

boner, links, this is your life, teh gaye, capslocksmash of doom

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