Little memes of powah, activate!

Nov 27, 2009 20:21

So I owe Kim at least, like, three of these things. But I'm making baaaad manips and uploading little picspams and shit, 'cos y'know, they're *profound*, I don't care I'm boring, it's entertaining, so until I have time to post them properly I'm holding them *spins in wheely chair* Yes all those fandom ones too, weeee.

Until then I'll be sinking my head in the sandin these simple Q/A ones that I've seen everywhere.

Why must the instructions take up so much space?

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

1. First Name: Gissella. But most just call me Giselle, it's easier to remember... and to spell -just ask Chad Lindberg- and I don't care.

2. Age: 30

3. Location: Under my bed. Which is located in my bedroom. Which is located in Spain.

4. Occupation: I work at a dog shelter doing all from walking and playing with the pooches to cleaning their kennels, to cleaning their wounds, to taking the stitches off from their wounds, to break up fights, to help re-hab the aggressive/traumatized cases. I'm also studying for Vet-Tech.

5. Partner: Jared. Why, don't you believe me? I dare you to go up to him and ask him, then, huh? huh? HUH??... ok, so, he doesn't really know it yet. Or, he knows it, in his heart of hearts, he's just not aware of it. But he will. Soon. Ohshuddap.

6. Kids: Oooooh, not ever. Ever. No thanks. If Jaypup wants kids he's gonna have to carry them and nurture them and raise them himself. He already has a womb (a manly one), and boobs, so it shouldn't be that difficult. Let me elaborate: *I* AM A CHILD OKAY. I have the hormones of a 16 yo, the obnoxiousness and moodiness of a 13 yo and the mental age of a 5 yo, I don't even know what's the use for one of... those... things. That. I wouldn't know what to do with it, why would I ever want one?

7. Brothers/Sisters: Two brothers and one sister. Curious case, I've never even met them. They're all bio-dad's.

8. Pets: BWEEEEE! All about my 6 dogs here 'cos I could go on and on about them forever and we don't want that XP Día's passed since I posted that, but she's not forgotten. I've always had dogs or cats, I don't think I could live without a pet. They're... er, my best friends *is a creepy loner*

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
* My work. I always knew I'd never have a 9 to 5 job at a desk, I just... I knew I'd need to love my job. And that I'd work with animals, but I can't be a vet, I work closely to our vet team and I love to assist, but I couldn't handle the career and the business-shark side of it. This is as close to my dream job as I've ever been, I love the dogs, I love all the things I learn and the first-hand experience I get from working directly with them, and my work's in the open, for the most part, near the mountains. I get to see dawns almost every day, and get wet under the rain and make snow angels in 5 feet of snow in Winters. I hate the people/boss part of it, but if I must, then I'll put up with it even if it's currently killing me. Which leaves me to note that I can't think of anything else, so I'll say this of my sonofawhore bitch bosses: They interfere with my sleep, they interfere with my work... and if there was any other important aspects of my life they'd interefere with those too. /ISALOOSER

Well, there's some heavy health and money problems with my family in Mexico, but that's all you need to know.

10. Parents: Ur, two of them? Well, bio-mom married my step-dad about 11 years ago and he's the one and only real dad/fatherly influence I've ever had and he rocks. He loves Spn and AC/DC and classic rock and gore-fest films and Sci-Fi and is a tech-geek and is a saint and get this: I introduced them, mwahehehe, he was my friend before being my dad, and my momma was a single mom most of her adult life and had to deal with, er, well me, so she can tie you up and castrate you in under 5 seconds. I've seen my bio-dad like, twice in my whole life, but no hard-feelings. My mom was enough. All I know about him is that he's a musician and that I got his hands and his eyes.
... wait, that wasn't two of them, that's three of them, augh :p

11. Who are some of your closest friends: My dogs... and watercolourblue, nastasie and one of my co-workers at the shelter. Yeah, that's it, pretty much. They get me, they really know me, I think I don't even need to say things aloud for them to know what I mean, and they put up with all my shit and my HOMGDRAMAS, I don't even know how. Love you guys <3

And this:

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do! (erm, der?)

+Who sleeps in bed next to you?
My dogs. Or, to be more precise, they sleep on me, on my bed.

+What did you last eat?
Double Chocolate muffins for breakfast and coffee. Don't hate me, one of my dogs ate my last one ;___;

+What kind of books do you read?
I used to read everything, poetry, biographies, philosophy, fiction and historic novels, short stories... well, not everything, I can't digest self-help books or harlequin novels XP ur, lately I read mostly fanfiction *hides* WHAT. And wild-life encyclopedias and veterinarian medicine books.

+What are you reading right now?
... A wolf encyclopedia :p and my Vet-Tech text books.

+If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
*Anywhere*? On top of Jared. Or living on his back. Or on his Monstrous Peen. Or in his hair, he wouldn't even notice, I could build me a little nest in there, his head's abnormally big enough for that.

+What's really creepy?
People who stare. And don't talk. Just stare.

+Name one odd item within five feet of you.
A chunk of beeswax hive from my last mountain hike with the pooches. It smells strongly of honey and smoke.

+What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
SPN/J2 THE MFOTP/THE MFPADALECKI. It used to be Tennis, and my OTP was Carlos/Rafa... but I'm taking a break, this year's been kinda disastrous painful for my baby :B

+What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Go get my antideps prescription ;__; I'm lazee. Sloth beats Crazy.

+What are you most excited for?
Um. Having a couple of free days in December ^^ My perfect notes in my Vet-Tech tests *preens* and Chicago 2010. If I can get those passes. And SEEING KIM AGAIN HOMG I MISS YOU BABY, I MISS YOU SO MUCH SFM!!!!!!!!!!!

+What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LOADS of places at LJ, my Yahoo mail. That's it, Twitter's become obnoxious off late.

+What was the last thing you bought?
Dog food XP

+If you could have any pet, what would it be?
A unicorn. With wings XP No, really, A HORSE!!!!!!!! a horse has been my dream since I have memory. I've had dogs and cats and turtles and birds, and friends have ferrets and chinchillas and whathaveyou but I've always wanted a horse.
I'd also love a Fuckingmachine. I'd give it a home and love and keep it clean and make it shine. And I'd call it... Jared.

+What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
Two Golden Passes for ChiCon 2010. And for Jensen and Misha and Jim to confirm. And for Traci and Alona and Richard and Chad and Gabe to go too. Now.

+Where is the place you like to return to in order to calm down/relax/etc.?
Wow. I don't know. To calm down? Ur... pills? XP No idea, I always keep myself under tight control to prevent anxiety/panic attacks when I'm having oneofthosedays but I don't have any relaxing routine. Or space. Or place. I guess I should? Maybe? Well, slash, sometimes. But some other times I just want to ditch the world and curl up in my... OOOOH of course, MY BED.

+Better to have loved and lost than never been loved? True or false?
... No idea. I guess, better to never have loved? Then you don't hurt for what you have lost? I dunno, I'm a loner and kinda radical about that, but the popular opinion is that it's best to at least have had the experience even you lost it, so... IDUNNO

+Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
Not being indebted like a motherfucker. Not having to worry about all these adult stuff like, like finances and bills and money and bosses and LIFE. It all went away after a while inside the closet, back then... I don't even fit inside a closet today.

+Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?
I adore Autumn for it's colors and for the clear, freezing winds. But Winter is better for me, I function much better in the cold. And I love snow. And foggy evenings.

+Say something to the person who tagged you.

The last one.

Using only song names from ONE artist (or band) cleverly answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you'd think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)"~ or however the hell you want to name it.

Are you a male or female:
Paint Pastel Princess

Describe Yourself:

How Do You feel:
No association

Describe Where You Currently Live:

If You Could Go Anywhere, Where Would You Go:
All across the world

Your Favorite Form Of Transportation:
One way mule

Your Best Friend Is:
My favourite thing

You And Your Best Friends Are:
The greatest view

What's The Weather Like:
Too much of not enough

Favorite Time Of Day:
Across the night

If Your Life Was A TV Show, What Would It Be Called:
Black Tangled Heart :pppppppp

What Is Life To You:
World upon your shoulders

Your Relationship:
Without you

Your Fear:

What Is The Best Advice You Have To Give:
Learn to hate >D No, no: Luv your life

Thought For The Day:
Pure Massacre

How I Would Like To Die:
Abuse me (Jared) XD

My Soul's Present Condition:
Emotion sickness

My Motto:

I'm not gonna watch Boondock Saints 2. I'm not. I'M NOT.

And random handmade fragrance soaps, Batman. I got an Old Christmas limited edition that almost made me tear up when I smelled it at the market in London, back in 2004, I kid you not, and it still smells nice :B I want the Sandalwood one. And the Green Tea one. And the Tea Tree one. And the Peppermint one. And...

Also, I'm putting up stuff to sell on eBay, right now. No idea if it's gonna fly, but whatever extra I can make, bring it.

It's Friday, have a little BONER. And WeeDeempls. Pre-RAWRchest-hair, aw. And wth a last minute RyRey being gaye.

boner, padadork, attack of the memes, ryan-motherfucking-reynolds, dimples for the soul, teh gaye

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