Dear Supernatural:

Oct 10, 2009 18:42

Please to be researching your Spanish better, it's offending to Spanish speakers that you don't take the time to use it correctly. I can't stand sloppy Spanish in fanfiction, but it can be understandable, to a point, like my use of bad English, but you could have, at least, hire a Spanish speaking actress. And yeah, use the right words for the right meaning.
Bigotes = Moustache, not beard. Beard = Barba. Ok? Don't let that happen again.

Other than that, even while it being a rather bland and silly filler episode, the amount of details I loved in it not only save it but elevate it.

It's not usual that I want to kick Dean for being a bitch, I usually adore it, but this time? I did want to kick him in the head for being a bitch.
And, Sam? I.FELL.IN.LOVE.with the Sam in this episode. He communicated, and after he did Dean did. They've stopped using their faults for hurting each other and also stopped laying blames, they're moving on. LOVE.

Weird fact: Deano was not absolutely right from the beginning? Wow.

I do admire the fact that Sam has that ability to step back and try to detach himself from things in order to give them a fair treatment, like understanding why Dean had said the things he said in Lucifer Rising. He has his Bitch moments, like everyone, but I like that cool-headedness of his when he makes it work instead of hulking out and strangling his brother. What he said is exactly what we've all known and wanted them to tell each other for years. LOVE.

And Sam the Geek? No words. Geek!Sam makes me so much hotter than macho/loner/tough Sam. You have no idea. From him being a Gandhi fan (ASDFGHJKL SHUDDAP I AM TOO) and sknowing he was a frutarian *DIES* and knowing a lot of types of tree seeds, and knowing Spanish, asdfghjkl polyglot kink pushedpushedpushed, and, just... OMG TALK NERDY TO ME SAM, PLEASE, PLEASE! FLOOR ME WITH YOUR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WEIRDNESSNESS. I had missed smart Sam SO MUCH. LOVE, SAM, SO MUCH LOVE.

Now. Of course Dean would know the story of James Dean's car. But, show? Dean? Where's the love for the TOUGH, sexually-vague male icons??? Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen. Robert Downey Jr. I'm sorry but James Dean... kind of a spoiled brat. Next? To be bringing up the not-junked Mustang used in Bullit, plz, I'm positive Dean knows that car and where it is just as well. Actually, he should steal it and restore it himself.

And finally, did you catch the hidden film reference in there? No, not Reservoir Dogs, the hidden one. Like the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure one in Family Remains XD watercolourblue you MUST know it. *hint* Lincoln and Gandhi on a killer rage?

Op, almost forgot about Paris Hilton. I have to say my stomach still crawled with nausea but it was worth it, because making that stupid woman say Kripke's words? Mocking her in her face and making her say it in international TV??? GENIUS. I kept thinking, this person is SO stupid that she doesn't even know she's being made fun of by her own words *flails* Genius, Kripke, EV0L genius. LOVE.
And damn, even Paris Hilton is a better actress than Cortese, man, that's gotta hurt.

[EDIT]: OMGLOL Jensen's smile is SO PAINFULLY FAKE it could cut someone!!! *rolls* he must have been barfing inside being so close to her, omg, poor thing XD You guys remember what he said about her and her sister, right? 'cos if you don't you must go watch it now, pure gold, I love him and his vein of meanness towards the plastic barbies.

Don't even mention the clips for upcoming episodes, I wanna see that Changing Channels one so much it hurts!!!!!!!!! The Jap show!!! CSI Beavys & ButtheadSam & Dean!!!

Also? GIP. If you haven't watched Zombieland you must make time to, it rules.

ACK forgot to say THANK YOU for my posties, Kim! *tacklessmooches* Made my day yesterday, I needed a smile badly and I came in and saw them and yes I love that blue and almost had a heart attack with the "Dean & Sam" and Sam's footnote and I love you <3

spn, kim rocks

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