(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 02:41

I can't sleep. I'm in shock.
Yes, again.

Because I want Rafa to spork Ana through the bed, through the floor, through the towel by the door, in a tub, in a car, up against the minibar.

Yes, you read that right, I have HET images going through my brain AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! No Nole in-between, no strap-ons, no nothing.
Save me ;___;
They've broken me.
Why are you doing this to me, kids, why!?!?!? What have I done to you? I LOVE you! Both!
I've tortured Kim enough with this that I've drove her into writing het porn for me. And I hope I won't drive her into jumping off a cliff with my drama.
But-but... Het. ME!!!
The AnaNole-shippers will kill me. Carlos will kill me. Carlos will kill Ana. ... how would Ana look between Carlos and Rafa? ... OHGAWD YOU SEE? MAKE IT STOOOOOP!!! KEEL ME PLEASE!!!!!*DIES*

Ok, I'm completely useless and I'm not giving up my beautiful Rafana pr0n even if you do kill me, so I'll spam myself with huge memes XPPPPP

from watercolourblue

1. What is on your bed right now?
Two dogs, blankets and one of my tennis dvd files.

2. When was the last time you threw up?
I'm not a model...

3. What's your favorite word or phrase?
Ok, we'll adopt him/her

4. Name 4 people that made you smile today.
0sweet_tart0, watercolourblue, my mom and Rafa.

5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
Trying to go back to sleep, it's my day off ;__; Couldn't. Got up for coffee about 30 minutes later.

6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Raiding the fridge. Nothing interesting to steal :B

7. What is your favorite holiday?
I'm gonna sound like a grynch but I don't like holidays much. I guess, my birthday?

8. Have you ever been to a strip club?
No :(

9. What is the last thing you said aloud?
No, they're not bothering me, they're both asleep.

10. What is the best ice cream flavor?
After Hours XD radioactive colors and chocolate, it's a win/win. Or pure chocolate. Or yogurt and raspberries. Or avocado XD

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

12. What are you wearing right now?
miss-matching jammies

13. What was the last thing you ate?

14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?

15. When was the last time you ran?
Last week. Shelter, dogs, hills, you know. It's been a long while since I last fell, though...

16. What's the last sporting event you watched?

17. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

18. Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace?
MySpace FTL

19. Ever go camping?
Yes, but it's been years now.

20. Do you have a tan?
Mmmm... I don't think so, but with the bit of sun we're having, the sun-starved personality of my skin and among all these preternaturally pale Northern Spaniards, I'd qualify as mildly-tanned, yeah :T

21. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
... no

22. What is your guilty pleasure?

23. Do you use smiles on the computer?
To convince it to work properly.
I didn't use to, now I think I type too many :)'s for comfort...

25. What did your last text message say?
um... lemme check... Oh, something to a co-worker about the puppies being in excellent health conditions and about the vet who checked them. See, after two years with the same vet team, and since we're there pretty much every week, the vet team and the shelter workers, we know each other by now, and at the time I was planning to take the pups there were going to be two of the team of six, holding the fort, and one of them oh gosh, he's sooooo adorable :B so we had been joking all morning about me dragging him to the X-rays room. But the one who checked the pups was her female colleague. Bummer XD

26. Are you someone's best friend?
My dogs'... the shelter dogs'

27. What are you doing tomorrow?
Working... but other than that no known plans, I'll decide tomorrow.

28. Where is your mother right now?
Her room, probably sleeping.

29. ??
Every single day of my life.

30. What color is your watch?
I don't wear a watch.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Silverchair :D

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?

33. What is your birthstone?

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Other than Kebab places, no fast food places here. The American Empires don't hold much power over little cities like this one. But in Mexico I used to go in 'cos I don't drive.

35. Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?

36. Do you have a dog?
Oh, way more than one...

37. Last person you talked to on the phone?
A co-worker. Bad news.

38. Have you met anyone famous?
Well... I've seen them, taken their picture, does that count as meeting them? Tennis players, weee. Some singers (Maná) and some actors. You wouldn't know them, theater people *snobs*

39. Any plans today?

41. Are you happy?

42. Where are you right now?

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?

44. Last song listened to?
Eres mi religión - MANÁ :) Love

45. Last movie you saw?
... Superman Returns... I think. Weeks ago. It should have been ALIENS tonight, but I can't find the damned tape.

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Not that I know of.

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
Well... I wear my gray hiking boots all the time but because they're the best choice to walk my own dogs. At the shelter I wear hiking boots too.

48. Are you jealous of anyone?
Well... kind of. Last night I dreamt with Ex-almost-boyfriend (and Rafa too, mwahahaha) and I woke up missing him badly. I suppose I'm jealous of the time his gf spends with him... but not of her, not really.

49. Are you married?
Hell no.

50. Is anyone jealous of you?
How would I know?

51. What time is it?
02:20 am

52. Do any of your friends have children?
... yes *rolls eyes*

53. Do you eat healthy?
Uh, not really. I should. I know I must inform my self better, being a vegan, but I'll just eat whatever's at hand.

54. What do you do during the day?
I stay inside my coffin and wait until sundown to come out and drink the blood of innocent people who write memes. :P
I work at the shelter. Walk my dogs. Puppy-sit the pups. Nothing interesting.

55. Do you hate anyone right now?
... I'd say Federer but I bet he hates himself enough already.

56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?

57. How many kids do you want when your older? What will you name them?
Not happening.

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

60. How did you get one of your scars?
Just one? um... I fell, hands-first on a staircase with a glass bottle on each hand. But I was 7 or 8 years old, the scars are hardly noticeable now.

1. What would you do if your ex boyfriend just showed up at your house right now?
Since I never had an official boyfriend 'cos I've never believed in bf/gf stuff I'll think about the closest thing to a boyfriend I had... and it depends. Does he show up alone? Or with his baby girl? Or with his girlfriend? Or with his baby girl and his girlfriend? ... you know what, it's just the same, whatever I'd hypothetically want to do to him if he showed up alone doesn't matter 'cos I probably wouldn't open the door, my house looks like Tyler Durden's house so, no, can't have visitors nor rape presently committed ex-almost-boyfriends on my sofa at the moment.

2. What describes your relationship status?
Nothing describes it... it's simply non-existant. I shall remain fabulous and unattainable forever :p

3. Where are you?
On a chair. Typing. In front of my computer...

4. What's the last tv show you've seen?
House. Re-runs of S4. OH teh House/Wilson teasings.

6. What is your favorite animal?
I don't think I have one. I try to respect them all -with the exception of poisonous ones or parasites which they threaten my health, blah, blah- When I was a child I loved dolphins, horses and felines.

7. Who have you thought about most today?
... why do you make me answer embarrassing questions about my pathetic and total lack of social life? Rafa

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?

9. Color of your underwear?
If you guess it, it's yours :p

10. Color of your shirt?
They're jammies! Blue, white, red seafoam, lavender... wait a sec, wtf am I wearing, here!?

12. Who's on speed dial?
I've never programmed the thing.

13. Honestly, what would you rather be doing right now?
... watching hot tennis peoplez ravish each other? Or, being realistic, traveling around the world. Or at least around Europe :B

14. What's your favorite season?

16. Are you a bad influence?
I'm not sure. Depends on the company I am at the time. I used to be but I shut my mouth now. Mostly.

17. Rather have your name or your siblings name?
I don't give much thought to that, I guess my name's fine. It's just a name.

19. Would you do anything for someone else?
If I care for the someone else in question, mostly anything.

20. Have you ever been called a bitch?
More than once.

21. Have you ever eaten pizza with sour cream?
Well, no... but now I'm curious.

24. How big is your room?
Definitely not big enough ;_;

25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?
I don't fill these out regularly, so, no, I don't think so. And even if I did, that's what the free will is, to chose.

26. Does your best friend have a myspace?
If he/she had one they wouldn't be my best friend. I have standards, you know.

27. Whose page did you visit last?
Friendly Hostility. Fox and Derringer are hunting for pirates!!! XD

28. Last time you went out to dinner?
About a month ago... to a Chinese with a work-mate, her partner and her sister.

29.Who is your favorite character from friends?
Oh gosh, I said don't make me answer embarrassing questions! I used to loathe that show but about six months ago me and my dad where just zapping and we left it on re-runs of it and we began laughing and then we got scared, very scared. Now we leave it on if we catch it, which is not often, thank god. And it would be Joey because he's a complete idiot, so I laugh a lot at his expense.

31. Do you have your senior yearbook?
Dropped out of Uni. Twice. But I think yearbooks aren't a custom in Mexico. Or Spain.

32. Do you want to kiss anyone right now?
Oh yeah.

33. Do you have one or more N*sync CD's?

34. What did you do last night?
I stayed up late, waiting out the rain to see the Rafa match.

35. Favorite TV shows?
Due South forever. Sharpe, Hornblower, Queer as folk, House, Dexter, Battlestar Galactica, Pushing daisies, The IT crowd, Heroes Season One... used to love Dead like me and Monk and Malcolm in the middle. And Lost, but stopped watching on season 3. And I've come to love Weeds because it's... unpredictable and it manages to leave me slack jawed and speechless at times. Like the beginning of Friendly Hostility did. It's twisted and warped and cruel and mean but it makes me laugh XD

36. What's your name spelled backwards?..
... allessig... I bet all our lives shall be much better after we know that bit of information.

37. Do you have a song by Kelly Clarkson in your itunes library?
I don't think so.

38.iPod or Zune?
Don't have any, but iPod, I guess?

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
Ahahahaha, no, but I love it when I catch it. I wanna be Stewie when I grow up.

40. How do you feel about reality shows?
I think they're as interesting as drilling a hole in your wall and watching your neighbour all day long. Just as productive, and cheaper. It would be interesting on an experiment level but not with home comforts XP

41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
Aw, no. But as my favorite Drarry writer said once, is not fair to make fun of trashy romance novel writers, they can't defend themselves.

43. What's the last thing you bought?
Uh... four light bulbs, three meters of wire, Spirulina, an hypoallergenic face balsam, a sack of LIGHT dog food and antidepressants. Kinky, huh? Wanna know what I did with the wire?

45. Whats in your CD player right now?
Halo Fourteen. Left.

46. What's your favorite movie?
Oh gosh, they're so many... I can write the ones that come to my mind now but I'll surely leave lots out. The LotR trilogy, The fiddler on the roof, Y tu mamá también, Pan's Labyrinth, Brokeback Mountain, Amélie, The Village (what?), Better impossible, Little Miss Sunshine, Indian Runner, Blade runner, Alatriste...

47. Whats another favorite movie
... I forgot Memento. And the Wedding Banquet. And lots others.

48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?
No I don't.

49. Can you sing?
I do. Not, like, trained voice, diva stuff, but I can sing on key.

50. Do you play any instruments?
Yep. Or I used to, anyway, I haven't touched them in years.

.51. Have you ever been to another country?

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
No. And I know what you're thinking but no, Mexico is not South America, it's North America. Look at a map, it's above the ecuador.

55. Do you know how to knit?
Uh... no. My gran taught me how but I never could.

56. What do you want to eat right now?
... cock. No, srsly XP

57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on MySpace?
Ok, let's forget about that MySpace unhealthy fixation and proceed to the other part of the question: Yes, I've written love song lyrics. But they were for a saga me and my best friend worked in for years. It was a futuristic story and we had over 20 characters, we had drawn them all and knew all their lives and besides the story plan we had graphics and charts with their profiles, chronology of their adventures together and even a graphic with a 1 to 5 scale of how they liked/disliked each other. We had a blast with it but we never actually wrote anything but little dialog pieces and some tiny chapters. And we illustrated some scenes. *sigh* oh childhood. The song was from one character to another, we wrote the lyrics together and I composed a melody for it on guitar. And no, that guy never got the girl, mwahehe, no one did, we were mean like that XD

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Checking the Miami Livescores

60. Baskin Robbins or Cold Stone?
I'm not an ice-cream connoisseur, really, and I'm not sure if we get those here. Please send me some samples and I'll let you know.

61. Math or English?
Um. Um... Math. I miss it.

62. Facebook or MySpace?

63. G-rated or R-rated movies?

64. Rather fly across the states or drive?
Oh, drive, please! And if my drivers are Diego Luna and Gael even better! xxxx____________________xxx

65. Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Hulk, or SilverSurfer
Batman forever. He was my favorite comic hero because he didn't have any superpowers, and he was completely batshit crazy :D oh and Christian Baaaaale yeeeeeeessssss. I wish they made a movie of the Azrael era with Chris acting Bruce again. I'm not sure who I'd like to play Jean-Paul but please, please Christopher Nolan directing again.
I like Spidey a bit but I prefer Venom, Superman never really did anything for me -but Christopher Reeves oh yes he did *drools*-, I never followed the Surfer or Hulk... but if it is movie Hulk YAAAAAYYY Eric Bana FTW!!!!!!!!!!

66. What's your favorite Disney movie?
Disney is evil. It is responsible for my entire generation's childhood traumas. Once you grow up you can appreciate how valuable some of the messages can be but at 4 you only cry your eyes out and have nightmares for months after Bambi's mom dies and Dumbo's mom gets whipped and caged and Tod and Tobby have to part ways because they can't be friends and you just think how horrible and cruel the world you live in is :T

67. What Cell Phone Service do you have?

68. How many beers get you drunk?
Oh gosh, I haven't tested my alcoholic abilities in months. I used to hold up to five, maybe six. In pints my capacity was about three and a half but that was because I kept pissing like a horse and my stomach just couldn't hold in more. Present days I don't think I can hold more than three glasses *has become a light weight*

69. Mood: ... HET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really like little Pico Mónaco, I really do, specially when he wears tight white shirts, but if Mario's gone and whacked Andy, he MUST keep going now, that can't have been in vain.

rafa, rafana, attack of the memes, ana, chunchi, capslocksmash of doom

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