(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 22:51

If I'd say that I'm not sad 'cos the Becks is leaving, I'd be lying.
I'd be lying too if I'd say I'm not sorry Ronaldo shall get the kick ASAP.
... :T
And I'd be committing blasphemy if I'd say I don't wanna chop some heads at Raúl being threatened as well. Yah, age. Yah, waste of money. Yah, blah blah blah. There was a time when Real was Raúl and he's still the very spirit of it, of its golden times anyway, oh Captain, our Captain *little tear* Oh bugger.
Iker is gonna keel someone. Oh my and it looks it will be Becks himself since he had plans for leaving him more than a couple of months ago. Bad Becks.

/old news

Erm, a couple of support banners. For teh Rafa. Better late than never. And I wanted to make some for Marat and other players but I'm lazy and Rafa's match is about to start in a couple of hours so I better post them now.
And a handful of AO icons too.
Not my usual standard but I'm bored and getting recovered from an LJ crisis so I shall post better ones once I'm properly recovered. Or not. XP
Oh that sounded so big-headed.

[5] Rafa
[2] Marat
[1] Rafapez
[1] Mario (not AO though)

[2] Support banners - Rafa for AO'07







Credit for the Mario icon tutorial (omg rip-off but looks cool huh?): iconofilth

Now don't go getting kicked out in the first round, you hear me baby?

icons, rafa, banners, graphics, the russian sexgod

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