000 && Application Post

May 23, 2019 20:37

NAME: Kath
AGE: 21
JOURNAL: tainted4life
IM: HotVelvetDamn
E-MAIL: nagia_arc@yahoo.com
RETURNING: Returning from a drop. I played Misao here before.

CHARACTER NAME: Makimachi Misao (Japanese name order; Misao Makimachi in Western order)
FANDOM: Rurouni Kenshin
CHRONOLOGY: Taking her from immediately after the events in Chapter 253 of the manga, but before chapter 255. So, basically, after the Jinchuu Arc but before the Epilogue/Cherry Blossoms In The Spring. (Meaning that Misao is sixteen, perhaps close to seventeen.)
CLASS: Hero. Kind of. As heroic as a ninja can be. She's got good intentions and she's never killed (and doesn't intend to), but she'll probably mostly keep her dogtags for the free rent and for lack of anything else to do, rather than the active desire to make the world a better place.

SUPERHERO NAME: Weasel Girl -- although she a ninja/member of an ex-ninja family was known to the public in Kyoto, making her halfway a celebrity/local hero in her home canon. This leaves her entirely open about her status as an involuntary immigrant and hero, and she hates being called Weasel, so odds are she won't keep to it.
ALTER EGO: Repeat: she's used to being known to the public as a hero. No real alter-ego.

Makimachi Misao was born somewhere near Kyoto in 1863, to an unnamed member of the Makimachi clan, known for being the leader of the Oniwabanshuu ninja organization. When she was very young, her parents were killed, and her father's successor as ninja clan leader, Shinomori Aoshi, found her and picked her up. Naturally, around this time, she fell in love with Aoshi. It was an adorable six-year-old kind of love. Anyway, she was basically raised by wild ninjas until roughly the age of eight, when they left her in Kyoto with her "Grandfather," Okina.

For the next few years, Misao helped out in the family ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) and trained to be an onmitsu in the Oniwabanshuu in everyone's spare time. This left her training somewhat scattered and strange.

She entered the series during the Kyoto Arc. In a very brief nutshell, she bumped into the intrepid hero, Himura Kenshin, asked him about Aoshi's whereabouts, and then figured out that Kenshin knew something. Cue Misao following him around insistently until he spilled the beans. Unfortunately for Misao, 1) her beloved Aoshi-sama was batshit crazy by this point and 2) Kenshin wasn't heartless enough to tell her so.

Misao spent the rest of the Kyoto Arc bringing various plot elements together (helping Kenshin get ready to face the Quirky Mini-Boss Squad, bringing Kenshin into contact with his Love Interest and Protegee, fighting alongside said love interest during the battle outside her home Ryokan). And, naturally, once Aoshi showed up again, he sent ninjas from a rival clan to destroy the Oniwabanshuu, then attempted to kill Okina. When she finally got to confront him, his words to her? "Never show your face to me again."

Despite the trauma of watching the man who'd raised her nearly die because of Aoshi, despite being willing to go up against him because he was batshit insane and siding with a guy who wanted to upheave the Meiji government with fire, she still wanted Kenshin to bring Aoshi back alive from the big confrontation with that arc's big bad.

(Kenshin delivered. Misao spent most of the rest of the series attempting to get Aoshi to smile.)

She was also involved in the Jinchuu Arc, immediately after the Kyoto Arc. When Kenshin's brother-in-law had showed up to kill him and Kenshin revealed that he'd left his dead wife's diary in a shrine in Kyoto, Kaoru--Kenshin's in-series love interest--wrote to Misao. Misao immediately retrieved the diary and hightailed it to Tokyo, with Aoshi hot on her heels. They didn't arrive in time to save Kaoru from pseudo death by psycho. Misao spent an entire night crying for Kaoru. After that, Watsuki didn't seem to know quite what to do with her, so Misao spent most of the arc running around with Yahiko and saying things like "And he walks pigeon-toed!"

She did get to be a Big Damn Hero right before the final sequence of nakama-on-counterparts combat, using her apparently disposable kunai to set off mines before they touched them so that they wouldn't all get blown to pieces. After the amazingly final sequence of fights with some extra finality on top, Misao was among the party who retired to the Kamiya/Himura residence to rest, relax, and hope like hell that Kenshin's crazy brother-in-law wasn't still crazy and still wanting him dead.

It may be of some interest to note that it was Aoshi who insisted on leaving the Kamiya/Himura residence. Misao dragged her heels and Aoshi, in turn, emotionally blackmailed her into going with him to re-bury his best friends's heads (seriously that entire scene could be summarised as "Misao, let's go home." "But I like Kaoru!" "We can play Hurt/Comfort in the mountains…" "…'kay!")

As far she's concerned, the last thing Misao did was board a train bound for Kyoto. Right when Aoshi was explaining the route to his burial site of the Oniwabanshuu, she got this strange headache and tugging feeling…

In a manga full of angsty or emotionally retarded men, Misao stands out as a determinedly cheerful, well-adjusted person. Emotionally, she's one of the stronger, more resilient characters. She's the only character I can think of off-hand who does not openly angst at any point period. The guy she's in love with tries to kill the guy who raised her from the age of eight and she doesn't break down (though she does cry).

All of this to say that Misao is the consummate genki girl: constantly energetic, constantly moving, cheerful even when she probably shouldn't be, and tempestuous.

Apparently nobody ever trained her personality to suit onmitsu-dom. She's not particularly deceptive. She wears her heart on her sleeve and has an explosive temper. Thanks to her temper and how frequently it boils over, if in minor ways, she doesn't really hold grudges and she tends to move past slights quickly, unless you keep slighting her. In fact, in general, she's a pretty forgiving person.

It should also be mentioned that her attention span is so short she'd envy a gnat--if she could concentrate long enough. Misao is the poster child for ADHD: hyperactive, extremely open with her emotions, easily distracted and swiftly losing her train of thought, forgetting what she had been about to say, or zoning out during long explanations. She's even done it to her beloved Aoshi. If you are talking to Misao, Misao is not just listening to you: she's also watching that kid on the skateboard twenty feet behind you and trying to figure out if he's going to crash into somebody, thinking about what she wants to eat for lunch, wondering when she'll get to see Aoshi-sama again, and probably fidgeting, too.

Other traits? She's extremely loyal to her friends, she's been in love with Aoshi from an early age (insult him and you'll regret it), she makes kick-ass sushi. She's just a little bit sneakier than you think she is--though not nearly as sneaky as she thinks she is.

In canon, she's got a bit of the whole Charles Atlas Super Power deal going down; she's an above-average martial artist (though not a powerhouse), knows a lot of nifty ninja tricks (such as hearing about as sensitive as a domestic dog's), and does have some stealth training. Also, she throws knives with deadly accuracy. We'll slot all that down to "Oniwabanshuu Onmitsu."

If she needs an actual super power, then I would like it to be temporary super-strength and a slightly enhanced wound-regeneration, lasting only so long as she's using an impromptu non-standar weapon. As far as the wound regeneration goes, it doesn't heal much. It takes care of superficial cuts, contusions, minor burns, and dislocated joints. Anything more severe, and she's on healing on her own time.

If she picks up a sword, no dice. If her "tea cup of doom she totally picked up and threw at an attacker" breaks, the power de-activates, leaving her with whatever contusions haven't healed and, if she's been using super-strength, some serious muscle deterioration.

I would also like to stipulate that this is a passive power and cannot be invoked intentionally: it only works when she's using something she wouldn't normally use as a weapon, with an intent to hurt someone else with it. No wound regeneration when she's not wielding a soda bottle or frying pan, no accidentally breaking things with super strength, etc.



[sudden staticky exhalation]

Wait a minute, what do you mean "hero"? You can't just go around dragging people away from where they're supposed to be and making them police your city!

[a reply, female, too muffled to make out specific words]

This just... it shouldn't be allowed! Send me back, send me back right now! Listen, lady-in a box--!

Huh? This thing? It's on? What's it even do, anyway? Hey! Owch! Stupid thing!


So that woman in the box said that this was a city? This doesn't look like any city I've ever seen. It's all… made out of ugly and gross. And what's this road made out of, anyway?

Oh! Yeah! Mrs I'm A Lady In A Glass Box said I might want to introduce myself. I'm Makimachi Misao and it's nice to meet you.

…even if I'm meeting you through this thing.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: The City was the weirdest place Misao had ever seen. She'd grown up with delicate, graceful arches, sloping tiled roofs. Gates and walks. But all around she saw ugly concrete boxes with strange-looking windows.

It all looked a little scary, honestly, like she was walking past empty faces with blank eyes. Zombie houses. Even more zombiefied than Kenshin had been in Rakuninmura--and that had been a scary, scary sight, one she'd hoped she would never see again.

Not that there weren't other things she didn't want to see again. Like Aoshi-sama's face, blank and empty and terrible, with Okina's blood drying on his hands--or the sickening blur of everything that had passed by on her way here.

She shuddered, remembering her trip to this crazy place. They'd been on the train, bound for Kyoto, and Aoshi-sama had looked at her with an expression that wasn't hard or cold, had been able to look at her without steeling himself against something, and she'd never been happier in her life.

Then she wasn't. No train, no Aoshi-sama, no nothing, just a headache and weird shapes replaced by weirder shapes replaced by still weirder ones and just when she thought she was going to scream except she couldn't see herself and she couldn't feel herself, didn't have a mouth, didn't have lungs--

Misao looked down at the "communicator" in her hand. She flipped it open, pressed a few buttons before she found the Forum.

This wasn't fair. She'd been good! She'd helped Kenshin. Again. She'd helped Kaoru, too, she'd given Yukishiro Enishi his sister's diary.

And Aoshi-sama had been opening up, she knew he had! He was moving on, he'd made peace with whatever it was he'd been trying to make peace with...

And now she got jerked into some other place to fix the problems of people she didn't even know? This was completely and totally unfair.

But what happened was what happened. She was here. She would make the best of it. And who knew? Maybe Mrs I'm A Lady Trapped In A Glass Box would let her go home if she helped out enough.

FINAL NOTES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Should she be accepted, Misao will not remember any of her previous time in this game. So far as she's concerned, she's never been here before.

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