Aiba Masaki's Drama "Boku to Shippo to Kagurazaka" or "Sakanoue Animal Clinic Story" will start on Tonight,Oct.12!
But before that, TV Asahi already show the Drama Goods.here are they:
(for Price reference, please check it here at:
https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/shippo/news/0012/ )
(photocredits: YKE and tv asahi site)
I like the Mug and the Shippo Dog plushie keychain..so kawaii,ne?
Anyway, Aiba-chan! Ganbatte! Ang omedetou!
Arashi's "Kimi no Uta" is the OST of Aiba's Drama. It will be release on Oct.24.
(hoping for someone to share raw and subbed video of Aiba-chan's Drama T-T)
That's all minna!