(no subject)

Nov 29, 2007 21:18

My life has improved since my last entry. I quit Guitar Center and immediately started at Software Etc. It for all intensive purposes is a Gamestop, we as well as Funcoland and EB games are under the Gamestop umbrella. The irony is that "software etc." doesn't carry PC games. heh. I have been telling people we emphasize the etcetera.

Anywho, this new job has been a lot less stressful than guitar center. My hours aren't nearly as stable but the work is much less customer service-intensive. I like that I'm not being hounded to call customers and ploy them into buying more crap. At least with this job it's videogames, and I feel no guilt in taking people's money for something that I truly consider to be a luxury item. I hate the holiday shopping season. Black Friday was as brutal as I'd expected, and our extended hours aren't much fun. I think I would enjoy working at a Gamestop so much more if only it weren't in a mall, especially the Willowbrook Mall. Fuck that noise.

As far as school is concerned, I've managed to really pull up my grades the past few weeks. I was so overwhelmed with my fulltime hours at Guitar Center that school often took a backseat to sleep. I am at a point now where I can actually catch up with the readings in class and openly discuss the topics at hand, and I must admit I enjoy it!

I've been working on music for Amnion and I'm not sure what to do with it all. I have a lot of riffs and partially structured songs that I have been sitting on for the past 2 years and I would really like to record them either with the band or on my own. I don't know if it's realistic to attempt doing some sort of solo project. Don't get me wrong, I love the band, I just feel like everyone moves in different directions. I'm all for heavy music, I think it's taken us a long time to hone our "metal" edge, when Brian and I first started writing music together our idea of metal was convoluted from bits and pieces of what we thought heavy music meant. It's been quite a process and we're finally making our music have enough of an edge that it could satiate the average metalhead. That aside though, I've been writing what I'd consider to be pop rock or synth rock or... I'm not exactly sure but I know it's far too melodic to appeal to my bandmates' tastes. I know we respect each other's opinions a great deal, but I just don't feel like the music I write has any impact when I play it to Brian. ...maybe I'm reading too much into things and I know for a fact Brian will eventually read this (sup stud!) I just need to vent. I want to write more music, but I'm stuck on the wealth of old riffs and pieces I've been working on for the past few years since I left for Tampa. Perhaps even before then, I just know it's been too long since Amnion has written a significant amount of new material. Lately we've been tweaking out old songs and breathing new life into them, and I've loved the results! I really think we're coming into our own. I just want to do something with this band. I could care less about fame or money, but I have a vision I want to see through. I want to write music and play shows and tour. Touring outside of the tristate area has been a fevered dream of mine for quite some time now.

Oh and on a completely unrelated note, FFXI came out with a new expansion and released and official windower so I am in the game right now as I right this. Just got a party invite. Time to level my thief :B! NERD POWER!
\m/(_ _)\m/
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