My tattoo is coming along nicely I think... :)
Last night was hell. It's so difficult to sleep comfortably with the placement of this section of the tattoo. I have been taking cat naps off and on for the past 10 hours totaling only 5 hours of sleep. I did invest in some saran wrap so I can at least keep it from staining my sheets while I attempted to sleep. I'm not sure why this section of the tattoo hurt so much more than the other; maybe it's a fulcrum point on my arm? It's funny come to think of it I can expand and contract the top section of it when I curl my forearm up, and then it looks kinda oogly!
I been talking to Mariana off and on the past few days, I really like and admire her a lot. She's a really positive person and she intrigues me to no end. She's in Arizona for the weekend but when she returns home we're gonna hangout. I'm stoked for that. Even if it doesn't amount to anything like a relationship, at least I've made a great new friend. *bites lip* heheheh. Who knows..? :)
I've felt really alone for the longest time but the past few weeks I've had a lot of friends giving me this network of support, it really helps. I really appreciate everyone on livejournal and in my personal life for just letting me observe their kindness. You all rock.\m/(_ _)\m/
I finally got around to hearing the new Silverchair album, New Modern. My 1st impression is that it's not quite as high-impact as Diorama was for me musically. Initial letdown aside though, the album's quickly growing on me. Daniel Johns really has never let me down with his musical vision. I really do yearn for the heavier days of Silverchair, I miss songs like those off of "Freakshow", but they've grown so much musically getting to see them live is a real treat. They give you a taste of everything they've done over the past decade, and they always leave me satisfied and smiling! (That's what she said!)
Trying to finish up my paper on hardcore today, then I'm off to get a haircut. Need to figure out some gesture for mother's day. I was thinking about having Joey tattoo mom into the band of my tattoo and taking a picture of that before he covered it up, hehe. Alas, I didn't go that route. I should buy her some new old lady glasses, her reading glasses make her look like Harry Potter... and trust me, I call her out on it. Oh the fun I've had calling her Dumbledore's mistress and other fun phrases! ...hey, I did promise her a ceasefire on my smart ass commentary for mother's day. I feel that is the greatest gift of all. *dusts off halo* 0:)
Final Fantasy XI has a new expansion pack coming out this winter, DAMN THEM! I really hope this is the last expansion. FFXI, my anti-drug/drug. It's hard to wanna quit an MMORPG which is always expanding and improving upon itself. Speaking of the game, I've been trying to level thief and monk, I think they will be my last 75's in that game. I have them both to level 53 right now. It's hard to motivate myself to level up the jobs considering how boring monk and thief are before level 60. I mean 60+ Thief has the Assassin Job trait which lets it use Trick Attack independantly of Sneak Attack to deal critical damage to an enemy. They also get Dancing Edge which is the only weapon skill since Viper Bite at 34 which can deal decent damage. Oh, I almost forgot I get Triple Attack at 55! As for Monk, we get Howling Fist at 60 which means we can finally open Distortion which is one of the most popular Lv. 2 skillchains in the game. Nerd-to-English Translation: Fun.
I know everyone enjoys my completely lame rants about FFXI! :D