kragars_shadow and I went for a walk tonight. For an hour.
This is something I haven't done in years. Tonight the tummy behaved, and so did the anxiety. For the tummy I thank the new pills the chiro gave me (digestive enzymes I started taking on Friday), and for the anxiety,
This is very freeing. I can't even begin to describe it. I haven't been able to walk for much more than two blocks for ages now, let alone without music in my ears (to distract me from the anxious thoughts).
I still don't think I could go out to the bars and walk home (stomach/bladder will need to be quite empty, at least for now). But this is one hell of a start. Even if it can get me to walk to work, that's a lot better than I have been. For a long, long time.
The best part? My diet today should have killed me. I started the day with multigrain toast with cream cheese (whole wheat and dairy bad), lunch was a BLT (on whole wheat - and the tomato alone can sometimes be a problem), dinner was completely unhealthy but yummy chicken wings and potato skins (with cheese, sour cream, green onion and bacon)! And I had coffee! COFFEE!
Yay walk! Yay tummy solution!