May 31, 2006 22:48
So, if you don't know, my purse was stolen yesterday. They used my VISA to buy a lot of alcohol and a huge cab ride. But I've realized that that was nothing, since I won't be held responsible for it. My keys were in my purse, but we've had the apartment lock changed already.
It was my prescription sunglasses, MP3 player, and digital camera in there that makes it really suck. And migraine meds. I'm more susceptible to them at the moment, being this stressed out.
All in all, I lost about $800 worth of stuff.
And nothing from the cops yet.
Lessons learned - your purse is harder to replace than you think. The government doesn't care if your SIN is stolen, just if someone is using it. And if you have a $500 deductible on your insurance, you only get $300 and then your rates go up, so it isn't really worth the claim.
Yet for someone like me, who is about to get their first paycheque after University tomorrow, $800 is a lot.
My parents are going to help me replace the big ticket items, which is wonderful. I can help with the rest.
It was realizing that my camera was gone that put me over the edge today. I finally broke down and cried - in my office. My sister's graduation video was on there. I had pictures of my cousins and family members I haven't seen in ages in there. That's when it got really personal. Everything else is ultimately replaceable - except those.
The mercies are many, though. I wasn't attacked for my purse, they picked it up off the floor. They didn't try to get into the apartment. I caught it fast enough they wouldn't have had time to charge much else to it. And now all my addresses are up to date with various companies. :o)
I hope I can sleep tonight. I didn't very well last night. I haven't all week, really, because of the heat. And I can't find my old sleeping pills. If I don't sleep tonight I may pick some up tomorrow.
This sucks. I'll survive, I'm just accepting the loss, but it still hurts. I'm just trying to get excited about LOTS of shopping now.
Update: No sleep for me. Well, I got 4.5-5hrs. Just like the last few nights. I'll likely be picking up some sleep meds soon. I hate taking them but this is ridiculous.