So, after MIRACULOUSLY double checking my exam time and discovering the exam was, in fact, TODAY, I think I did pretty damn well considering the circumstances. I ended up getting questions I knew the answers to and felt relatively comfortable with. I'm guessing I got between a 60%-70%, and even if I got 60% that means my final mark in the class is 69% (which isn't great, but it's enough).
I figure the mix up came from a very early email from DE, stating that DE exams were on the 8th. Since then, it seems, ON CAMPUS WRITERS were scheduled for the 7th, but since I had the 8th in my head, I only paid attention to the time.
I have no idea what possessed me to check my exam time this afternoon, but I think some major act of contrition or sacrificing of small-animal-substitutes to the powers in charge of the universe is in order. Perhaps a tofurkey. Less blood, same sentiment.
kragars_shadow suggested I buy a lottery ticket. 'Cause REALLY - ohmygodholycrap was I lucky.
Bright side - I now can go to the Trews concert tonight, AND I have an extra day to work on my paper - MY FINAL COURSE REQUIREMENT EVER!!
I still feel like I narrowly avoided a major car accident - pretty similar, I guess.
I don't feel like I wrote it. Part of me is thinking that I need to study. It likely won't really sink in until 4:00 tomorrow when I thought I should have been writing it.
Regardless... *whew* - bullet dodged. Neo has nothing on me, baby.